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East Liberty Presbyterian Church News from East Liberty Presbyterian Church
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

...But it is the best thing to be prepared to get our feet wet and to act courageously, even when faced with waves of water, waves of prejudice, waves of public disapproval.

Come worship with usJanuary 31 Worship Services

January 31 Christian Education, 9:45 - 10:45

  • Contemporaries, jointly with Journey with Scripture (second floor parlor): January 31, class members share favorite readings on love : Jer. 1:4-10; Ps. 71:1-6; 1 Cor. 13; Luke 4:21-30.
  • Parenting Circle (first floor, Harambe Room): We continue reading Jan Johnson’s Growing Compassionate Kids: Helping Kids See Beyond Their Backyard. Anyone interested in parenting is welcome to join us. Books available in class.
  • The Rev. Dr. Ron PetersSeekers: (room 234): “Christian Theology and Undoing Violence,” led by the Rev. Dr. Ronald E. Peters. From bullying, domestic violence, and child abuse, to reckless or illegal use of guns, suicidal bombings, and acts of war, violence harms communities as well as individuals. Join us as Rev. Peters considers the usefulness of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s ideas about non-violence as a strategy for addressing violence and its harmful effects. Peters is the Henry L. Hillman Professor of Urban Ministry at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and founding Director of the Metro-Urban Institute.

Additional worship, classes, and prayer opportunities during the week

  • Bible 116, Wednesday Adult ConnectionsWednesday Connections: Join the Revs. Bush and Schoenewolf in the second floor parlor for an adult bible study, discussing this week’s bible scripture: Luke 4:16-30.
  • Taizé prayer service: Every Wednesday, 7:00 pm in the Chapel. Childcare available from 6:45 pm to 8:15 pm. January 27 Taizé service will be followed at 8:15 with “Celebrations”! Do you celebrate a birthday, milestone or anniversary in January? Write it down and put it in the collection plate--we’d like to celebrate with you!
  • Labyrinth Prayer Walk: Wednesday January 27, 10:00 am - 9:00 pm, and Monday, February 1, 10 am - 3pm. In the Social Hall.
  • Centering Prayer: Tuesdays, 7:00 pm. Room 250.

Youth and Young Adults

  • Club One Sixteen, January 27: “Faith and Hope.” Come enjoy free Hope Academy classes!
    • 3:30 - 4:00: Snacks and homework help.
    • 4:30 - 6:00: Free Hope Academy classes for different ages.
    • 6:00 - 6:30: Dinner; junior and senior high groups in ground floor suites; families in the first floor McKelvey Room.
    • 6:30 - 8:00: Bible study for junior and senior high groups, ground floor suites.
  • Youth basketball: January 30, 5 - 8pm for young men, grades 9–12. ELPC gym.
  • Young adults January coffee house: Sunday, Jan. 31, at 7 pm: Come by to chat or to say hello and enjoy some coffee, ice cream, and waffles at Oh Yeahs.
  • Young adults fellowship opportunity, Downtown: Young adults who work in the Downtown area are invited to gather for a new “Once-A-Month-Lunch” co-hosted by Glenshaw Presbyterian Church and First Presbyterian Church of Pittsburgh. the Rev. Kay Balderose for details.

ELPC weekly news highlights

Congregational meetingChurch building congregational meeting, January 31
Join us at 12:30 on Sunday in the Chapel for a congregational meeting to discuss ways the church’s rain water can be diverted rather than going into the city’s storm drains. Please plan to attend, both to hear the plans already made and to give your input. The ELPC Session will review all information at their Feb 16 meeting.

Jon TyillianReception for Jon Tyillian, January 31
Join us after the 11:00 service to celebrate Jon Tyillian’s gifts and to wish him luck and God-speed. Jon’s last Sunday as ELPC’s Organ Scholar and Associate Organist is January 31. The Worship, Music and the Arts Committee will honor Jon with a reception in the third floor Music Room.

Presbyterian WomenPresbyterian Women Horizons Bible Study, February 2, 10 am
Join us in the second floor parlor as we continue our journey through Joshua. Beth Urbaitis will lead our lesson, “Outsiders Become Insiders: Rehab and the Gibeonites” (Joshua 2:1-24, 6:25; 9:3-27). A potluck lunch follows; bring a salad or snack to share and your own place setting. Beverages and soup provided. Call Mary Alice Lightle, (412) 682-1504 for details.

Presbyterian WomenMission opportunities: January 30, February 6
ELPC’s Neighbors Mission Committee is sponsoring two Saturday work days to support a local church and our neighborhood. No special skills needed, all ages welcomed! Jan 30: we will help 2nd United Presbyterian Church in their recovery from a disastrous flood by building radiator covers. Feb 6: we will partner with Open Hand Ministries to install windows and do interior work at a home rehab in Garfield. For more info: Becky Gloninger (412) 913-6070 or the Rev. Patrice Fowler-Searcy (412) 441-3800 x30.

Mardi Gras party, February 6, 4:30
Carnival fun and frolic are coming your way! Come for dinner with our kids-friendly menu (served promptly at 5:15 pm) as well as some tasty Caribbean treats. Evening includes activities for the whole family! And what could be more Caribbean than you dressed in your most colorful outfit showing off your warm weather Caribbean island wardrobe? RSVP to Norma by Jan 27 (412) 441-3800, x11.

Reception for the Rev. Dr. J. Richard Szeremany, February 7
Please join us for a reception following the 11:00 service for a reception to celebrate and honor the Rev. Dr. J. Richard Szeremany, who is retiring on February 15 after service for more than 15 years as Director of Worship, Music and the Arts. Dr. Szeremany will preach at the 11 am worship service. Following Worship, everyone will have an opportunity to extend their thanks and well-wishes to Dr. Szeremany and his wife and Muriel at a special reception in the Social Hall. This celebration will feature tributes to Richard from friends and colleagues, including surprise musical numbers. (Photo at right, undated; Dr. Szeremany with the original Aeolian-Skinner organ console before its reconstruction.)

“Love and All That Jazz,” February 13, benefits Hope Academy
Love and All That Jazz, 2010Coming up on February 13, 2010, is our red-hot “Love and All That Jazz” show, Hope Academy’s annual benefit performance, held at East Liberty Presbyterian Church. Performers this year include spoken word artist Vanessa German, Flamenco music and dance, our own “Voices of Hope” choir, and more. This year we are celebrating Hope Academy’s tenth anniversary, and honoring our founding director, the Rev. Dr. J. Richard Szeremany. Adult tickets are $10 at the door. Children and youth 18 and under are free. Click to view the event poster (PDF, ~364K). Hope to see you there!

ELPC in the Community

East End Cooperative Ministries Men’s Shelter
The Deacons are collecting bar soap and razors for EECM’s Men's Shelter. Donations may be left in the hallway baskets. Thank you for your support!

East End Cooperative Ministries Food Pantry
January’s “Food of the Month” is peanut butter.

Respond to the earthquake in Haiti

Haiti earthquake aid relief Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) has issued an emergency appeal for Haiti, where millions of people have been affected by a major earthquake that struck the country on Tuesday, January 12. The PDA rushed an immediate $100,000 to help provide immediate emergency relief to the affected people. You, too, can be part of God’s answer to prayer for those affected by this disaster by donating to the ongoing relief through PDA’s secure online website. (Gifts can also be made by phone at (800) 872-3283 weekdays between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. (EST) and checks can be mailed to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, P.O. Box 643700, Pittsburgh, PA  15264-3700.) You can also donate securely to the Haiti Relief through the American Red Cross’s secure website.


Questions? Send us an email.