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East Liberty Presbyterian Church

What’s Happening at East Liberty Presbyterian Church,
the “Cathedral of Hope”
August 18, 2011

Our confidence and hope for ourselves and other people do not rest in the powers and achievements of this world, but in the coming and hidden presence of God’s kingdom.


Special music on Sunday: Voices for ChristSpecial music on Sunday: Voices for Christ
During the 10 am worship service on Sunday, special music will be provided by the male vocal quintet Voices for Christ. This local ensemble offers wonderful renditions of old hymn favorites and gospel selections. Under the leadership of Henry Biggs, it is a pleasure to welcome them back to ELPC!

Worship services, Sunday August 21, 2011

Christian Education

  • Christian Education classes are on vacation for the remainder of the summer. Please join us at 9:30 on September 11 for Rally Day and the beginning of the new church classes term.

Worship and prayer opportunities during the week

Taizé chapel and cross

News and events

Thanks to our volunteers!Thanks to our volunteers!
A heart-felt thanks to all volunteers in our church--those who made it to be celebrated last Thursday at the annual picnic and those who were not able to attend. Your faithful service to this church, this community and to our Lord is essential and is much appreciated. You are appreciated and loved! Thank you for putting your love into action.

Baptisms and new members at the 10:00 service
Welcome to our churchWe are blessed as a church to come together for the sacrament of baptism at our 10:00 Courtyard worship service on Sunday, but even more so that we will welcome six new members to our community of faith. Welcome to Andrew Bartle, Brian Bonczek, Elisabeth Heffner, Amiena Mahsoob, and LaKiya Shealey-Sommer!

What’s happening at ELPC this week?
Read our weekly announcements for details on events, classes, and more happenings this week at ELPC. For questions, contact Kate Carlson, (412) 441-3800 x16.



In our community

East End Cooperative Ministry (EECM) Food Pantry
The EECM Food Pantry provides food for individuals and families facing hunger in Pittsburgh. August’s “Food of the Month” is canned tuna.

East End Cooperative Ministry (EECM) Men’s Shelter
During the month of August, the Deacons are continuing to collect deodorant, shampoo, and men’s socks for EECM’s Men’s Shelter. Donations may be left in the hallway baskets. Thank you for your support!

Questions? Send us an email.