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East Liberty Presbyterian Church

What’s Happening at East Liberty Presbyterian Church,
the “Cathedral of Hope”
October 24, 2012

Before God, nothing is hidden; no thought or deed escapes God’s notice.


Rev. Dr. Randy Bush in piano concertRev. Bush in Concert! | Sunday, October 28, 5pm

The Rev. Dr. Randy Bush will be joined by violinist Tami Osborne Pederson, violist David Seward, and cellist Mary Amrhein-May in a performance of Mozart’s Piano Quartet in G Minor, KV 478 on Sunday, October 28 at 5 pm in the Sanctuary. In addition, Rev. Bush will play solo piano works by Chopin, Scriabin, and Villa-Lobos. This concert is part of the 2012-2013 Cathedral Concerts series, and is free! A freewill offering will be accepted.

Reformation SundayReformation Sunday, October 28 2012

Reformation Sunday reminds us, as Presbyterians, of our Reformed heritage. “Reformed” is a Christian theology based primarily on 16th century theologians like Martin Luther and John Calvin. The Protestant Reformation began on October 31, 1517, in Wittenberg, Saxony, where Martin Luther nailed his “Ninety-Five Theses on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences.” For more information, view the Sunday Worship page or the October Reaching Out newsletter.

Worship services, Sunday October 28 Worship at ELPC

  • 8:00 am: Good Samaritan: Mr. Paul Spangler delivering the message, PTS Seminarian. Ground floor dining room.
  • 8:45 am: Journey Worship: Rev. Patrice Fowler-Searcy preaching. Third floor music room.
  • 11:00 am: Sanctuary Worship: Rev. Dr. Randall K. Bush preaching.

Christian Education, Sunday October 28, 9:45 - 10:45

  • Contemporaries: “The Gideons,” with Jack Kelly and Jim Skomo. More than 1.7 billion Bibles have been taken into 190 countries around the world! Be inspired and enlightened. Second floor parlor.
  • Journey with Scripture:Job 42:1-6, 10-17; Psalms 34:1-8 (19-22); Hebrews 7:23-28; Mark 10:46-52. Second floor library.
  • Parenting Circle: First floor, Harambe Room.
  • Seekers: “How is Egypt doing today, after the revolution?” with Joseph Ragheb, Egyptian, Coptic Christian, and professor, will tell us about the social and political strife in Egypt today, including the tension between Muslims and Coptic Christians. Room 234.
  • Soul Food: We will continue our discussion of the first chapter of You Gave Me a Wide Place: Holy Places of Our Lives. New participants are most welcome. Pastor’s Conference Room, second floor.
  • Clase de Escuela Dominical en Español, con Joaquin Anabe Lopez. Room 217.

Worship and prayer opportunities during the week

  • Centering Prayer: Every Tuesday, 7:00pm. Second floor library.
  • Labyrinth prayer walk: Every Monday from 9:00 am to 1:30 pm, and every Wednesday from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. In the Sanctuary.
  • Taizé prayer service. Every Wednesday at 7pm, in the Chapel. The hour-long service includes sung prayers, simple, beautiful music, a time of silence, spoken and silent prayers, and opportunity for individual prayer. This Wednesday, October 24, join us for a special service celebrating Children’s Sabbath.

News and events

Young adults, “A Night at the Church,” OvernightSaturday, October 27 to Sunday, October 28

Join other young adults as we spend an evening full of treats, and maybe a few tricks, too! We will begin with dinner together and then who knows. We will sleep in the church and worship together before ending our time together in the morning. A Night at the Church, Saturday, October 27 at 6:00pm until Sunday, October 28 at 9:00am. For more information, view the Young Adults Ministry page.

Healthier Halloween tipsHealthier Halloween tips

Just in time for Halloween, the Health Ministries page has some tips for families and for anyone giving out treats this year, including ideas for things to hand out, a reminder to avoid having your child collect candy in a pillowcase, and ideas and strategies for what to do once the candy has already come home! For more information, view the Health Ministries page.

Halloween Mayhem at the Kelly-Strayhorn Theater 2012Hope Academy in Halloween Mayhem | Saturday, October 27, 10am–2pm

Hope Academy’s HATCo, our very own Teen Theater Company, will perform Halloween Hits at the Kelly-Strayhorn Theater’s 4th Annual “Halloween Mayhem,” a day of activities designed to delight and entertain the whole family. Additional entertainment at Halloween Mayhem will include zombies, a costume parade, puppets, live performances, games and more. Admission is free! View details on the Kelly-Strayhorn page

See this week's announcementsMore happenings at East Liberty Presbyterian Church

To find out all about what’s going on at ELPC this week, see this week’s announcements.


In our community

EECM Winter Coat Collection 2012EECM Winter Coat Collection

ELPC is collecting new and gently used clean coats, in all sizes, for East End Cooperative Ministries to distribute to those in need for the upcoming winter. The coats will be collected in a bin located in the ELPC front office. If you have questions, please contact Suzy Flynn, (412) 781-2994. View more information on EECM’s webpage

Food pantryEast End Cooperative Ministry (EECM) Food Pantry
The EECM Food Pantry provides food for individuals and families facing hunger in Pittsburgh. October’s “Food of the Month” is Stuffing Mix.

East End Cooperative Ministry (EECM) Men’s Shelter
During the fall months, the Deacons will continue to collect men’s toothpaste, shampoo, and flip flops/shower shoes for EECM’s Men’s Shelter. Donations may be left in the hallway baskets. Thank you for your support!

Questions? Send us an email.