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East Liberty Presbyterian Church

What’s Happening at East Liberty Presbyterian Church,
the “Cathedral of Hope”
November 14, 2012

In Christ you are offered a new design for living; receive it with joy. Keep the faith by giving it away.


Full Inclusion SundayFull Inclusion Sunday, Sunday November 18

During our 11 am Sanctuary worship service this coming Sunday, we will celebrate the LGBTQ community as part of our faith family’s continuous effort to show God’s unconditional love by providing refuge for spiritual growth, ardently pursuing justice, and extending Christ’s radical hospitality to all. The Chancel Choir will be joined by the Renaissance City Choirs, which seek to build bridges within the LGBTQ community and the community at large. Also adding a joyous note will be a brass quartet and timpani!

Annual Thanksgiving Feast, ELPC Thanksgiving DinnerSunday November 18

Please plan to stay with us after the 11:00 service on Sunday for our annual Thanksgiving Feast! The church provides turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy and corn. Everyone is asked to please bring a side dish, salad, or dessert to share. Sign-up sheets are in the hall between the Library and the McKelvey Room. Label your dish with your name; serving utensils are not needed.

Worship services, Sunday November 18 Worship at ELPC

  • 8:00 am: Good Samaritan: Rev. Jennifer Haddox preaching, World Mission Initiative, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. Ground floor dining room.
  • 8:45 am: Journey Worship: Rev. Heather Schoenewolf preaching. Third floor music room.
  • 11:00 am: Sanctuary Worship: Rev. Dr. Randall K. Bush preaching, “On Second Thought...”, Mark 13:1-8 .

Christian Education, Sunday November 18, 9:45 - 10:45

  • Contemporaries: “Extraordinary Ordinary,” part 2 of 2, with Lenore Williams. “My vote won't count,” “One person can't make a difference,” “Who would listen to me?” We have heard and often said these words. We feel small, insignificant, helpless, and incompetent. But in reality, we have power that is waiting to be brought forth. God has called ordinary people to do extraordinary things by touching our souls. You may already be one and don't know it. Come hear and share how one person takes on a calling. Then return for prayers of strength and guidance as we go out to fulfill the call. Second floor parlor.Christian Education at ELPC
  • Journey with Scripture: 1 Samuel 1:4-20, 2:1-10; Hebrews 10:11-14 (15-18), 19-25; Mark 13:1-8. Second floor library.
  • Parenting Circle: In November, we will move onto holiday celebrations: sharing the traditions and rituals that our families treasure, and the ways in which we de-emphasize the commercialism of the holidays to re-center ourselves around the true gifts of the season. Members are encouraged to bring a story, essay or other reading to share with the group. First floor, Harambe Room.
  • Seekers: “Spirituality and Ethics,” part 2 of 2, with The Rev. Mary Lynn Callahan, ELPC’s interim Spiritual Life Director. We will discuss how the spiritual practices of our faith both inform and shape our ethical behavior, using scriptural grounding and scientific research to examine the relationship between our spirituality and ethics. Room 234.
  • Soul Food: A discussion of the second part of chapter 2, “Home Places,” from our book You Gave Me a Wide Place: Holy Places of Our Lives, pp 53-64. Pastor’s Conference Room, second floor.
  • Clase de Escuela Dominical en Español, con Joaquin Anabe Lopez. Room 217.

Worship and prayer opportunities during the week

  • Centering Prayer: Every Tuesday, 7:00pm. Second floor library.
  • Labyrinth prayer walk: Every Monday from 9:00 am to 1:30 pm, and every Wednesday from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. In the Sanctuary.
  • All Saints, All SoulsTaizé prayer service: Every Wednesday at 7pm, in the Chapel. The hour-long service includes sung prayers, simple, beautiful music, a time of silence, spoken and silent prayers, and opportunity for individual prayer. This Wednesday November 14,members of the Turkish community will bring us Noah’s Pudding and tell us about the tradition. Music on the Labyrinth will follow, led by Charles Anderson.

News and events

Lectio Divina workshops continue, November 18; December 2, 16, 6:00 pm

The Spiritual Life Committee invites you to a series of Lectio Divina workshops. The workshops aim to deepen the relationship of participants with the Divine through a practice based on two approaches: Lectio Divina and the four senses of scripture. Lectio Divina is an ancient practice for meditating on scripture, by listening and responding to the scripture as if in conversation with God. The four senses of scripture refer to four layers of meaning that can be found in a scripture passage: historical/literal, moral, allegorical, and unitive. Leah Marmo and Ben Rainey facilitate. Materials provided or you can bring your own notebook and/or bible.

Bible studyBible 116, Adult Evening Bible Study with the Rev Bush and Rev Schoenewolf | Wednesdays in November, 6pm

Please join us for an evening Bible Study, every Wednesday in November (including Nov 21), from 5:45 pm to 6:55 pm pm in the Second Floor Parlor. The Bible 116 class is an informal, adult gathering in which Pastor Randy and Pastor Heather lead a conversation about the scripture passage that is the focus of the upcoming Sunday worship service. Class meets every Wednesday in November (7, 14, 21, 28) from 6:00 - 6:50 pm in the Second Floor Parlor. Bring your own bible, or bibles provided.

Rev. Bush Video: Welcoming Thanksgiving

Hear Rev. Bush discuss how we can welcome Thanksgiving into our hearts and homes anew,
with fresh eyes and with gratitude.

Club 116Club 116, Hope Academy on Thanksgiving break

Just a note that Club 116 / Hope Academy classes do not meet Wednesday November 21. If you have any questions, please email .

See this week's announcementsMore happenings at East Liberty Presbyterian Church

To find out all about what’s going on at ELPC this week, see this week's announcements.


In our community

Food pantryEast End Cooperative Ministry (EECM) Food Pantry
The EECM Food Pantry provides food for individuals and families facing hunger in Pittsburgh. November’s “Food of the Month” is Instant Mashed Potatoes.

East End Cooperative Ministry (EECM) Men’s Shelter
During the fall months, the Deacons are collecting men’s socks, men’s underwear, and deodorant for EECM’s Men’s Shelter. Donations may be left in the hallway baskets. Thank you for your support!

Questions? Send us an email.