East Liberty Presbyterian Church NewsFlash from
East Liberty Presbyterian Church
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Loving God, may you find space here to join with us. May those who are broken find wholeness here and those who feel lost, a home. Descend upon us now in grace and truth. Amen.

News highlight

Summer schedule begins!
Our summer schedule begins this Sunday, June 21. The Good Samaritan service continues at its regular time at 8:00 am. The Journey and 11:00 Sanctuary worship services will be combined into one 10:00 am service. The 10:00 service will be in the sanctuary on June 21 and 28; in July and August, the 10 am service will be held outside in the courtyard (weather permitting).

Sunday services and classes

June 21 Services

  • 8:00 am: Good Samaritan Worship; Jeff Lowery, Assistant Minister, Deliverance Baptist Church.
  • 10:00 am: Sanctuary Worship; the Rev. Heather T. Schoenewolf preaching.
  • 6:00 pm: Holy Ground Service; Father William Kiel, Pastor, St. Bernard of Clairvaux (Indiana, PA) preaching. Service held in the courtyard, weather permitting.
June 21 Christian Education
  • Contemporaries: "Multitude of Blessings, led by Joe Kennedy and Mary Alice Lightle": (The Contemporaries class will continue to meet until the end of July). Join us in the Parlor (second floor) for a six week summer session around Dr. Cynthia M. Campbell's book, A Multitude of Blessings. How do Christians who trust in God and follow Jesus Christ in their daily lives, who believe that religious beliefs really do matter, and who want to treat people of all religious backgrounds with respect, account for the existence and vitality of the world's religions? June 21: Is This "My Father's" World or Not?
  • Journey with Scripture, Parenting Circle, Seekers: Classes will resume on Rally Day, September 13.

Additional worship and prayer opportunities during the week

  • Taizé prayer service: Every Wednesday, 7:00 pm in the chapel. June 17 service followed by sacred harp/shape note singing. Childcare available from 6:45 pm to 7:15 pm.
  • Labyrinth Prayer Walk: Mondays, 10:00 am - 3:00 pm, and Wednesdays, 10:00 am - 9:00 pm.
  • Centering Prayer: Tuesdays, 7:00 pm, room 250.


Summer Choir
Do you like to sing? Beginning on Thurs., June 18, at 7 pm, in the Music Room (third floor) you and your voice are invited by the members of the Chancel Choir. Use this "summer choir" to enjoy singing, learning music, and making friends. Call Dr. Szeremany or Jon Tyillian (412) 441.3800 x24, and say "Yes!"

Thank you to the Sunday School teachers
On June 14, ELPC's Educational Ministries Committee thanked the church's Sunday School teachers and facilitators for their work during the year: Linda Benedict, Nicole Bomeli, Don Breitbarth, Valire Copeland, Carla Depperman, Brian Diebold, Jamie Dixon, Sandy Edgecombe, Maurice Gordon, Carol Hoehn, Frances and Jan Irvin, Anne Jackson, Vanessa Johnson, Joe Kennedy, Nancy Klancher, Kathleen Kyle, Heather Lawrence, Mary Alice Lightle, Roberta London, Nancy Magee, Judy Menk, Nicole Molinaro, Marti Moore, Kim Ness, Jan Pressman, Gwen Puza, Leila Richards, Laura Ristau, Carolyn Russ, Kay Shissler, and Sarah Stacy, and the late Chuck Nichols.

Take a Tour of ELPC, June 21
If you're interested in taking a tour of ELPC and learning more about the history and architecture of the church, join us for a tour on June 21st following the 10:00 service. To RSVP, call Kate Carlson (412) 441-3800 x17, or sign up in the church office. (Closed shoes with low heels required for climbing the tower stairs.)

Catch the Spirit! Vacation church school, June 22 - June 26, 2009
Registration forms are now available for students and volunteers for vacation church school 2009. Join us as we "Catch the Spirit!" through our study of the book of Acts, worship, games, crafts, and more. VCS serves children age 3 (toilet trained) through grade 5. Volunteer spots are open for youth (grades 6 - 12) and adults.

"Gifts of the Spirit" Art Show Continues Through June 19
The art show of ELPC artists, sponsored by the Pentecost Arts Committee, is on display in the following areas: McKelvy Room, Second Floor Parlor, Room 234. The show is an expression of the Gifts of the Spirit that is celebrated on Pentecost Sunday. Take some time to browse through these rooms anytime to enjoy the creativity and talent of our artists!

ELPC in the Community

East End Cooperative Ministries Food Pantry
During the summer, families of children who qualify for school breakfast and lunch programs face the additional cost of providing these meals on limited budgets. The Poverty Committee and the EECM ask that we focus our summer offerings on items that can help the pantry provide lunch for children, such as: juice boxes, graham crackers, applesauce, raisins or other dried fruit. Thank you.

Questions? Send us an email.