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East Liberty Presbyterian Church

What’s Happening at East Liberty Presbyterian Church,
the “Cathedral of Hope”
Week of June 8, 2011

God, we thank you that Christ alone commands our lives, and gives us freedom to love all, serve all, and protect all.


PentecostPentecost and confirmation, June 12, Sanctuary service
On Pentecost, ELPC will celebrate the baptism and confirmation of five youth who have chosen to take the next step on their faith journey by joining ELPC as full members: TJ Benedict, Maya Klancher, Jocelyn Martin, Sarah Overby, and Tramayne Thomas!

Summer schedule begins Sunday, June 19
Summer schedule begins Sunday, June 19Beginning June 19 (note date correction), the Journey and 11:00 Sanctuary worship services will be combined into one 10:00 am service, held in the Sanctuary during the month of June and in the courtyard in July and August. Our fall schedule resumes on Rally Day, September 11. For details, view our Summer Worship page or the calendar.

Worship services, Sunday, June 12

Christian Education classes, Sunday, June 12, 9:45 am

Note this will be the last meeting of the regular season. For full descriptions and details on this week’s classes, click to the Christian Education page of our website.

  • Contemporaries: “Just War Standards and What Our Denomination (PCUSA) Says About Recent US Wars,” part 2 of 2, with Rev. Don Dutton. Second floor parlor.
  • Christian Education at ELPC
  • Journey with Scripture: Acts 2:1–21; Ps. 104:24–34; I Cor. 12:3b–13; John 7:37–39, with Jan Irvin. Second floor library.
  • Parenting Circle: Fall planning discussions. First floor, Harambe Room.
  • Seekers: “Dominion Theology and its Impact on Politics and Education,” with Rachel Tabachnick. Room 234.
  • Soul Food: Discussions continue using Joyce Rupp’s Fresh Bread, June chapter, with Joe Hajdu. Second floor, Pastor’s conference room.
  • Clase de Escuela Dominical en Español: Nos reunimos cada domingo de 12:30-1:30 en el cuarto No343. Bilingual bibles available.

Worship and prayer opportunities during the week

  • Taizé chapel and crossTaizé prayer service: Every Wednesday, 7:00 pm in the Chapel. Join us after the June 8 service at 8:15 for “Music on the Labyrinth.”All are welcome. Childcare available from 6:45 to 8:15 in the Nursery.
  • Labyrinth prayer walk: 9:00 am to 1:30 pm on Mondays; 9:00 am to 9:00 pm on Wednesdays. (Check the calendar for details.)
  • Centering Prayer: Centering Prayer is canceled this week (June 14). It will resume at its regular schedule, 7pm, on June 21. Newcomers welcome! Room 250.

News and events

BaptismFamily baptismal workshop, June 12 after the 11:00 service
Join Revs. Bush and Schoenewolf for a baptismal workshop. While it will be geared toward families who wish to learn about the sacrament before having their child baptized, it is also will be a great opportunity for families with young children to explore the sacrament together. The workshop will be experiential, and will include time for questions and lunch.

Support Vacation Church School by donating supplies
Vacation Church School 2011VCS is an annual week-long "church school" for children 3½ through 5th grade, offering activities each day from 9 to 3. ELPC offers this program free of charge to families. Can you help? Please consider support this ministry by either volunteering your time, or by donating needed supplies and snacks, listed on the apple tags on the main hallway bulletin board. Return items to ELPC by June 19. Thank you!

Organ RecitalOrgan recital by Jennifer Gorske: June 15, 8:15 pm
All are invited as Jennifer Gorske, organ student of The Rev. Dr. J. Richard Szeremany, and member of the Taizé music leadership team, performs in the Sanctuary on Wednesday, June 15 at 8:15 pm. This follows the Taizé prayer service in the Chapel, held each Wednesday at 7 pm.

Shower of Blessings for Lydia’s PlaceShower of Blessings for Lydia’s Place, Saturday, June 11
Presbyterian Women invite you to participate in a “Shower of Blessings” for Lydia’s Place, a non-profit agency that helps female offenders and their children. Join us from 2-4 pm, in the Second Floor Parlor. Read more

ELDI development update, June 19
Join the Neighbors Committee, part of ELPC’s Mission Board, for an information meeting after the 11:00 service on June 19. Skip Schwab from East Liberty Development, Inc. (ELDI), will discusses new changes and their effect on the neighborhood. For more information, contact Rev. Patrice Fowler-Searcy, (412) 441-3800 x30 or Rebecca Maclean at

Off to College DriveHelp new college students
The Neighbors Committee, part of ELPC’s Mission Board, is working with East End Cooperative Ministry (EECM) to organize a donation drive, an opportunity to give a meaningful gift to the youth of our community as they go off into the next stage of their lives and educations. Select an item from the “Off To College Ivy” June 12 or June 19, and return the item to ELPC by June 26. For more details, contact Emily Mohn, (412) 616.2251.

Hope Academy Presents "Dream On," A Midsummer Night's DreamHope Academy, “Dream ON”
See A Midsummer Night’s Dream as you've never seen it before: remixed, mashed up, deconstructed and re-imagined. Presented in the courtyard three evenings: June 17, 18, and 19; 7 pm. Read more

VCS Volunteers needed
Vacation Church School is coming up at the end of June and we are looking for adults and youth in grades 6-12 to help. You may also help out by donating: Check the bulletin board from May 22 to June 5 for needed items. Thank you! Read more

News updatesNew Flash format starting next week!
Look for a new short-format for this Flash starting next week (June 15). Drop us a note with any comments.

Volunteers in Ministry (VIM) opportunities
Each week we feature open opportunities where we need your hands. Read more about this week’s volunteer opportunities



In our community

Shelter Walk 2011: A Walk With a Twist, June 4
Join walkers from across the region to help raise money for the Northside Common Ministries’ food pantry and men’s shelter. Walkers raise money through pledges. (Pets welcome!) View the event flyer

East End Cooperative Ministry (EECM) Food Pantry
The EECM Food Pantry provides food for individuals and families facing hunger in Pittsburgh. June’s “Food of the Month” is rice.

East End Cooperative Ministry (EECM) Men’s Shelter
During the month of June, the Deacons continue to collect men’s socks, deodorant, and shampoo for EECM’s Men’s Shelter. Donations may be left in the hallway baskets. Thank you for your support!

Questions? Send us an email.