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East Liberty Presbyterian Church

What’s Happening at East Liberty Presbyterian Church,
the “Cathedral of Hope”
March 26, 2013

You are my God, and I will give thanks to you with a joyful heart and songs of praise. Hosanna, Lord Jesus!

Holy Week and Easter Schedule

We hope you will join us for our Holy Week and Easter Sunday (March 31) services:

  • Wednesday, March 27:
    • Walk the labyrinth from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. In the Social Hall.
    • Come to our 7:00 pm evening Taizé service for a special Holy Week theme. In the Chapel.
  • Worship services, Sunday March 31, Easter Sunday  Maundy Thursday, March 28, 7pm:
    • Join us for a special Maundy Thursday service, 7:00 pm. In the Sanctuary. With celebration of the Lord’s supper
  • Good Friday, March 29:
    • 12:00 pm: Good Friday service remembering the final hours of Jesus’ life and his crucifixion. In the Chapel.
    • 12 - 3pm: Ecumenical worship service at St. James AME. Rev. Bush will preach and deliver the Fourth Word, Eloi Eloi lama sabachthani? (“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”)
    • 7:00 pm: Tenebrae Service of light and darkness, recalling Jesus’ trial, crucifixion and death. In the Chapel.
  • Saturday, March 30, 7:00 pm
    • Join us for an evening Easter Vigil, beginning at 7:00 pm. Special Holy Saturday worship service. In the Chapel and Sanctuary (the service moves from one to the other during worship). With celebration of the Lord’s supper.
  • Sunday, March 31, Easter Sunday: Come be with us on Easter morning.
    • Our Samaritan and Journey services will be combined into one service in the Chapel at 8:45 am. With celebration of the Lord’s supper.
    • Join us for a time of fellowship and hospitality from 9:45 - 10:30 in the Social Hall.
    • Our Sanctuary service will be at its regular time, at 11:00. With celebration of the Lord’s supper.

View the Holy Week schedule and parking information

Worship services, Sunday March 31, Easter SundayWorship services, Sunday March 31, Easter Sunday

with Celebration of the Lord’s Supper

On Easter Sunday (March 31) CE classes take a break. You are invited to join us Easter Morning at 9:45 for a time of hospitality. Classes resume April 7.

More worship and prayer opportunities during the week

  • Centering Prayer: Centering Prayer meets every Tuesday evenings. Join us next week, Taizé prayer serviceApril 2, 7:00pm! Newcomers welcome. (Meets in the second floor Library.)
  • Labyrinth prayer walk: Come away from the hectic and busy for some quiet, prayerful moments with God: Join us Mondays from 7:00 am to 1:00 pm; or Wednesdays, 9:00 am to 9:00 pm.
  • Taizé prayer service: Every Wednesday at 7pm, in the Chapel. The hour-long service includes sung, spoken, and silent prayers, beautiful music, a time of silence, and opportunity for individual prayer. Join us this Wednesday, March 27, 7pm for a special Holy Week Taizé service.

News and events

Mission Walk, March 29 (Good Friday), 9am  Mission Walk, March 29 (Good Friday), 9am

All are invited to tour some of the missions serving the homeless in East Liberty on Good Friday, March 29. We will leave McDonalds (120 Penn Circle West) at 9 am and conclude with lunch at the Orr Center before returning to the church for worship. Wear comfortable shoes and appropriate clothing for walking outside. Tour is hosted by Presbyterian Women. Reservations are required by Noon on Wednesday, March 27 (to plan for lunch). RSVP or questions to Mary Alice Lightle (412) 682.1504.

Bike-o-RamaClub 116 in April | Bike-o-Rama

Club One Sixteen offers an evening of fellowship, study and worship for people of all ages. New! Club Life for April: Join us for Bike-O-Rama! Enjoy four free classes on bicycle maintenance, safety, and care for youth in middle and high school on Wednesdays in April from 4:30 to 5:30pm. Classes will be taught by Free Ride. Find out more on the Club 116 page.

See this week's announcementsMore happenings at East Liberty Presbyterian Church

To find out all about what’s going on at ELPC this week, see this week’s announcements.


In our community

South Highland Bridge closed March 4   South Highland Bridge closed, March 4 to November

The bridge on Highland Ave, just south of the church, will be closed from March to November for repairs. According to the contractor, both the deck and steel superstructure of the bridge will be replaced. The existing stone masonry abutments and pier are to be retrofitted. (View the information sheet) City of Pittsburgh documents also note that Ellsworth Avenue, which runs under the bridge, will be lowered to increase the clearance between Ellsworth and the bridge above. The bridge was originally constructed in 1925. Detours will be posted. View parking information

New! Safe exercising program for those with arthritis, begins February 22 Safe exercising program for those with arthritis, Wednesdays & Fridays through May 1
Note updated weekdays

The Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program is designed specifically for people with arthritis or arthritis-related conditions. The class includes gentle, joint-safe exercises from the Arthritis Foundation. This 10-week program can help relieve stiffness and decrease arthritis pain, and can help improve balance. This low-impact, fun class can be taken either sitting or standing and is taught by an Arthritis Foundation-certified instructor.

Classes offered on Wednesdays and Fridays from 3-4pm, through May 1. In the Sewing Room. For more information or to register, call (412) 383-1303.

Food pantryEast End Cooperative Ministry (EECM) Food Pantry
The EECM Food Pantry provides food for individuals and families facing hunger in Pittsburgh. March’s “Food of the Month” is instant mashed potatoes.

East End Cooperative Ministry (EECM) Men’s Shelter
During the cooler months, the Deacons are collecting warm socks, hats, scarves, and gloves for EECM’s Men’s Shelter. Donations may be left in the hallway baskets. Thank you for your support!

Questions? Send us an email.