ELPC’s Session
The Session is our church’s governing body.
Our Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) heritage provides for a complex but efficient process for governing. Central to the organizational structure of the PC(USA) is the concept of governing bodies of which there are four types: sessions of particular churches (11,097); presbyteries (173); synods (16); and the General Assembly (1).
ELPC’s Session consists of the pastor, associate pastors, and elders in active service. This group discusses and decides on all business matters of the church, and it has responsibility for the budget, mission giving, and property of the church.
The Session meets regularly to review committee reports, receive new members into the church, to make provisions for congregational worship and the sharing of the sacraments (communion and baptism), and to provide for the educational and spiritual growth of its members.
The Session is comprised of 20 elders, divided into three classes, each serving three year terms. The Greek word “presbuteros” means “elder,” and it is from this church office that our Presbyterian denomination takes its name. For more information on what it means to be an Elder, read PC(USA)’s page.
For more information about ELPC’s Session, contact Steve Massey, clerk of the Session.
Session Committees at ELPC
The ELPC Session works closely with several standing committees that coordinate and oversee ministry areas for our church. Many of these committees include ministry teams and task forces. Congregation members are encouraged to seek out opportunities to serve on any of these, or to be a regular or occasional volunteer for committee events. Click here to access the guidebook for committees, boards, and chairpersons.
Following is a list of standing committees and chairs/co-chairs.
Faith Formation Board
Chair of Board: Dee Flaherty
Children & Family Chair: Trish Buben
Youth & Young Adults Co- Chairs: Mario Seneca & Jason Van Ness
Youth & Adults Staff Contact: Sara Hackett
Spiritual Life Chair: Tim Englehardt
Spiritual Life Staff Contact: Rev. BJ Woodworth
Finance & Stewardship Committee
Co- Chairs: Barbara Griffin & Bryan Lawrence
Staff Contact: Jim Tinnemeyer
Membership & Outreach Committee
Co-Chairs: Jan Irvin, Nick Genger-Boeldt
Staff Contact: Rev. Dr. Michael Diaz
Mission Board
Chair of Board: Michele Bossers
Staff Contact: Gerald McClendon
Facing Systemic Racism Committee Co- Chairs: Hollen Barmer & Lenore Williams
Justice Committee Chair: Carol Chonoska
Neighbors Committee Chair: Bob Forloines
Peace Committee Chair: Russ Walker
Human Resources Committee
Interim Co-Chairs: Co-Chairs: Bill Buchanan & Carol Chonoska
Staff Contacts: Rev. Dr. Michael Diaz and Jim Tinnemeyer
Property Committee
Co-Chairs: Eric Logan and Matt Stufft
Staff Contacts: Rev. Dr. Michael Diaz and Jim Tinnemeyer
Worship, Music and the Arts Committee
Co-Chairs: Carla Depperman and Carol Mullen
Staff Contact: Dr. Edward Alan Moore
Session Meeting Packets
Elders may download the current Session packet by clicking here. The current reports/minutes of the boards and committees are available by clicking here.