Racial Justice at ELPC
ELPC is a racially diverse worshiping community of people who are committed to racial and social justice, equity, and striving to be an anti-racist congregation.
As a Presbyterian Church (USA) Matthew 25 Congregation, ELPC is committed to dismantling structural racism that exists in our congregation and in our community by walking with indigenous people and people of color who are marginalized, disenfranchised, devalued, or discriminated against by the dominant culture. ELPC members are committed to responding to God’s call to act justly, love mercifully, and walk humbly with God, working to repair societal breaches by standing in the gap for those who Jesus calls the least of these.
We strive to live fully into being an anti-racist worshiping community through anti-racist educational opportunities, including personal examination, workshops, and training sessions; relevant speakers, book studies, diverse liturgy; and participating in local and national marches, protests, and letter writing campaigns.
If you’re interested in learning more about the work our faith family is doing to dismantle structural racism, read about our Facing Systemic Racism Committee.
For more information or to join our Facing Systemic Racism Ministry Team, contact Jen King at JenK@coh.net, or 412-441-3800 x222.