Lenten devotionals are available for persons of all ages, a gift to you from the Christian Education Committee as we journey through this sacred season of our liturgical calendar together. Choose the devotional booklet that best suits you and your family.
Home, Heart, Spirit—Family Prayers and Activities for Lent. This devotional is perfect for family use, for persons of any age. It includes a daily scripture reading, reflection, and prayer, and offers suggestions for Lenten activities to help family members participate in practices of faith together.
Mercy, Passion & Joy—Reflections on the writings of C.S. Lewis. This devotional offers daily scripture readings, readings from Lewis’ writings and reflections on the mercy of Christ, the passion He suffered, and the astounding joy that is ours because of Christ’s great gift to us.
Finally, our pastors will be preaching a sermon series this Lent that will guide us through themes of justice lifted up by the Belhar Confession—the most recent Confession of the PC(USA). A weekly devotional booklet will be available as well, providing reflections on the themes addressed in worship, and lead us into a deeper understanding of the confessional nature of our faith and the justice to which we are called.