Here’s a list of what’s happening this week in our Church School classes. We offer Christian Education classes for persons of all ages, from infancy through adulthood, on Sundays, 9:45–10:45 am, unless otherwise noted. Read more about our adult classes and children and youth offerings.
Children and Youth
Our children and youth are deeply spiritual people with great theological questions. To foster these gifts and to help students learn the stories, vocabulary, and actions of the Christian life in a loving community, ELPC offers Church School classes for kids and youth from pre-K–grade 12. Class locations are listed below. Parents, please register your child online. Email Sara Hackett for more details.
Pre-K | Nursery
K–Grade 3 | Room 206
Grades 4–6 | Room 211
Grades 7–12 | Second Floor Parlor
Journey with Scripture | Fellowship Room
For the next few months, we will relate both the Psalms and the liturgical calendar’s Gospel of Mark with the “Heavenly Hosts.” The Scriptures will expand and deepen our understanding of our “Reformed, Ever Reforming” legacy.
Seekers | Garth Overlook Room and Zoom
Discussion of Election Issues
The discussion will revolve around remarks on chapter 15, “The Responsible Ruler.” Many political philosophies and especially religious ones include reflections on the good ruler. Our ideals are real, as are the greed and sin which find homes in politics. Assuming our rulers are as sinful as we are, how can we relate ideals as St. Augustine did to our realities.
Join us in person or contact Gwen Puza for Zoom details.
Soul Food | Good Samaritan Room and Zoom
We will conclude this Church School year with a review and preview session, looking both back and ahead.
New participants are welcome in person, online, or by phone. If you’re interested in joining our class, email the Rev. Joe Hajdu.