Here’s a list of what’s happening this week in our Church School classes. We offer Christian Education classes for persons of all ages, from infancy through adulthood, on Sundays, 9:45–10:45 am, unless otherwise noted. Youth classes are currently meeting after our Sanctuary worship service. Read more about our adult classes and children and youth offerings.
Journey with Scripture
“Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the middle of the street of the city.”—Revelation 22:1–2
The Bible begins in chaos—the earth as a formless void, darkness covering the face of the deep waters. But through the Spirit of steadfast love and faithfulness, God begins to tame it. Order, diversity, and mutuality become established. This month, at Bible’s end, we read that a new Heaven and Earth emerge. A new city descends from heaven. God and Christ dwell there together with its inhabitants. The chaos is gone. Death, mourning, crying, and pain are gone. The nations walk by the city’s light. Leaders and people enter its gates, they’re always open. Welcome home! Such a long journey to get here. Take heart Pittsburgh and ELPC. Look where the future happens and to the One who makes all things new.
Join us for this week’s readings: Psalm 42; Revelation 18:1–24; 19:1–21. Contact Sara Hackett for Zoom information.
Parenting Circle
We will continue discussing excerpts from Lauren Burdette’s book, This Life that is Ours, and how her insights connect to our unique perspectives and experiences of parenthood. Each class will have time for personal sharing and reflection on brief readings from the book. All people involved in parenting are welcome to join us, even if you haven’t read the book.
If you would like a copy of the book, contact the Rev. Heather Schoenewolf.
The First Family of American Theology
Dr. Ron Stone will continue with any questions from the film we watched last week, as well as discuss his introduction to Reinhold’s brother, Richard, and his book, Christ and Culture.
Contact Gwen Puza for Zoom details.