The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 17. Lent marks the 40 days leading up to Easter (not including Sundays), in which we take times to contemplate our need for God. This Lent, our faith family will journey through the desert together—noticing that wilderness experiences can occur literally or metaphorically in our lives. Yet, even as we contemplate experiences of exile or abandonment, we notice in scripture that God always brings new life out of the desert. God is at work in our lives and in our world in spite of moments of individual or collective struggle.
Throughout Lent, we will explore this theme—in worship and through Lenten Devotionals, which will be our gift to you. Lenten Devotional Boxes will invite you into prayer practices and creative responses, as we meditate on God’s Word and our lives together, and will offer ideas and activities that are accessible to persons of all ages.
Lenten Devotional Boxes are free, but please register using the form below so that we know how many to prepare. Boxes will be available to pick up on Sunday, February 14 and Wednesday, February 17—and we are happy to make a delivery if you are unable to stop by the church.
I am continually impressed and grateful for the vision and planning and work of the church leaders in making every effort and the provision of every needed tool for persons to journey well this sacred seasons.