We rejoice that after two years of learning remotely, we have gradually been able to serve persons of all ages every week through our Church School Ministry.
Classes have looked different this year. Since Rally Day in September, adults participated in classes using a “hybrid” format, unique to each class. Youth in grades 6–12 gathered outdoors through November 2021, remotely through winter, and in person, indoors since the end of February. It took awhile longer to welcome back young children, but we have been offering in-person classes since March.
What has remained the same through all of these changes is the engagement, love, faithfulness, creativity, commitment, and hope of our Church School teachers. So once more, we say: “THANK YOU” to all who have served! We praise God for our Church School teachers and facilitators, seeking God’s continued blessing upon them:
Sherry Anderson, Damon Bethea, Lora Bethea, Bethany Bray, Trish Buben, Sandy Edgecombe, Jim Eng, Sara Hackett, Joe Hajdu, Carol Hoehn, Jan Irvin, Heather Lawrence, Nancy Magee, Jan Pressman, Gwen Puza, Paul Seif, Kay Shissler, Dorothea Ward, and Evelynn Welling.
We also thank the many class members who facilitated discussion, shepherded us through new technology, and discerned class topics. We give thanks for the opportunity to partner with the Facing Systemic Racism Committee throughout the year, and for the work of our facility’s staff who coordinated some unconventional classroom setups (including a fire pit in the play yard!) throughout the Church School year.