Here’s what’s happening in worship this week.
Worship Services
Journey Worship | Sunday, at 8:45 am
An interactive, energetic service for those seeking a fresh encounter with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our theme this month is “Awesome God.” The Rev. Patrice Fowler-Searcy will preach from Mark 12:28–34.
Sanctuary Worship | Sunday, at 11 am
Our largest service, with music from the Chancel Choir and an organ prelude prior to the service. This week, the Rev.Dr. Randy Bush will preach. His sermon will be entitled “Saving Salvation: Your God is Too Small,” based on John 4:19–26.
Taizé | Wednesday, at 7 pm
An hour-long service including sung prayers; simple, beautiful music; a time of silence; spoken and silent prayers; and an opportunity for individual prayer and anointing. The Rev. Mary Lynn Callahan will lead worship. Our after-Taizé class will feature Celebrations.
Christian Education Classes
We offer Christian Education classes for persons of all ages, from infancy through adulthood, on Sundays from 9:45–10:45 am. Click the links for adult class descriptions and children and youth offerings.
Faith 101 | McKelvy Room
Eddie Willson will lead us as we begin our Lenten series, Faith 101. This week’s lesson will be God: Faith is a Quest.
Contemporaries | Second Floor Parlor
Mary Alice Lightle will help us explore disciplines that allow the Holy Spirit to come to us in a class on Pathways to Discipleship. This will be the fifth session in our series, Discipleship: The Way of Jesus.
Journey With Scripture | Second Floor Library
All the paths of the Lord are steadfast love and faithfulness, for those who keep his covenant and decrees (Psalm 25:10). Our scripture readings help us to discern God’s call to travel steadily upon these paths through all seasons and places. Christ and friends provide companionship and assurance that a homecoming awaits.
Come join us this week’s readings: Genesis 9:8–17; Psalm 25:1–10; 1 Peter 3:18–22; and Mark 1:9–15.
Seekers | Room 234
ELPC member Katie Haas worked in Sierra Leone for two years, with the Peace Corp. According to Katie, Sierre Leone is one of the most religiously tolerant countries in the world. She will discuss what she learned about the Christian and Muslim religions and friendships, and about sharing, guilt, love, and community. She will share her personal spiritual journey and give an overview of life in Sierra Leone.
Soul Food | Room 244 and Pastor’s Conference Room
We will discuss Lenten themes using a text to be chosen.