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News & Events
When we spend time immersed in nature, noticing, and attending to both the detail and grandeur of our outer world, we simultaneously notice and attend to our inner world. Join us for a contemplative retreat on Saturday, June 1, 9 am–4 pm, as we wander, reflect, explore, and share together at Jennings Environmental Center (2951 […]
ELPC is a proud co-founder and participant in LAMP – LGBTQIA+ Affirming Ministries of Pittsburgh - see https://sites.google.com/view/inclusivepcusapgh/home?authuser=0. We are excited to again celebrate Pride in Pittsburgh this summer as we seek to reflect God's love for all to local LGBTQIA+ people and allies. While there are many Pride events sponsored by different groups and in […]
Join ELPC’s Connections group for the free Stars at Riverview concert on Saturday, June 15, 7–8:30 pm, at Observatory Hill in Riverview Park. Music will be provided by The Dark Matter Trio. Bring a lawn chair or blanket. Pack a meal for yourself or buy food from the vendors. Come enjoy music and each other’s […]
Want to support kids, families, and volunteers? Join us Tuesday, June 18, anytime between 5–8 pm, to help lovingly prepare craft materials, set up rooms, hang up signs, and get ELPC ready for a week of learning, fun, and worship. RSVP to Sara Hackett.
Adults and youth who signed up to volunteer for Vacation Church School are required to attend a training session following worship on Sunday, June 23, 11 am–2 pm, in the Social Hall. Lunch will be provided.
ELPC is a proud co-founder and participant in LAMP – LGBTQIA+ Affirming Ministries of Pittsburgh. We are excited to again celebrate Pride in Pittsburgh this summer as we seek to reflect God's love for all to local LGBTQIA+ people and allies. While there are many Pride events sponsored by different groups and in different neighborhoods, […]