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News & Events
What does it mean to engage in God’s mission of love, peace, and justice through the major disruptions of our day? How can we lead in mission in new ways amidst such disruption? Join us Friday–Saturday, October 7–8, in person or online, as we explore these questions in lectures, workshops and plenary. The Rev. Eugene […]
In partnership with the League of Women Voters, the ELPC Justice and Facing Systemic Racism Committees are sponsoring three opportunities for citizens to: Register as new voter; Assure registration is still active; Double check polling location; Make changes to current voting status (name, address, affiliation); Obtain website info to apply for electronic voting, etc.; and […]
On Wednesday, October 26, 5 pm, Dr. Joylette Portlock, executive director of Sustainable Pittsburgh, will give a zoom talk, titled "Forging a Better Future, for All," sponsored by the Social Justice and Outreach Committee and the Commission on Race and Reconciliation of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh. Under Dr. Portlock's leadership, Sustainable Pittsburgh regularly works […]
The Facing Systemic Racism Committee invites you to a new series that's designed to provide a big picture overview of how Christianity invented, codified, perpetuated, and benefited from white supremacy. Led by Dr. Brock Bahler, we will consider not only how we continue to be implicated in this history, but also how we can lament, […]