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News & Events
As you may have heard, our iconic Monarch butterflies are in trouble. These seemingly fragile creatures have the longest known migration of any insect, wintering in Mexico and then migrating north across North America, some flying as far as 3,000 miles! But these beautiful and intrepid insects are now being decimated by a combination of […]
On Sunday, October 1, the ELPC Board of Deacons will host its annual International Meal commemorating World Communion Sunday. Join us in the McKelvy Room after Sanctuary worship for a sample of global cuisine. For more info, contact Deacons Peta Harrigan Cole or Linda Sanders. The Peace and Global Witness Offering also will be received. […]
Join the ELPC Neighbors Committee in the Social Hall following Sanctuary worship as they welcome representatives from our community mission partners East Liberty Development, Inc., and Open Hand Ministries, as they give updates on their important work and ministries in the East End. A light lunch will be served.