Presbyterian Women
PW: Walking Tour of Homewood Cemetery
All women are invited to join Presbyterian Women on Saturday, October 24, 2 pm (Rain Date Saturday, November 7), for a walking tour of Homewood Cemetery. Together, we will explore ideas of the relationship between life and death as we prepare for our Bible Study lesson, Lamenting Death. We also will learn about the famous […]
PW: Walking Tour of Highland Park
All women are invited to join Presbyterian Women on Thursday, November 19, 4 pm, for a walking tour of Highland Park. We will walk in small groups, masked and socially distanced. For more information, contact
PW’s Drive-by Diaper Drive
East Liberty Presbyterian Church 116 S. Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesOne-third of families have trouble paying for diapers. Parents may miss work because they cannot provide a supply of disposable diapers for their children at day care. Lack of clean diapers can adversely affect a child's health and socialization. Presbyterian Women will host a drive-by Diaper Drive on Sunday, March 14, 1:30–3 pm, at the […]
PW Walk in Highland Park
Presbyterian Women invite you to our next walk in Highland Park on Wednesday, May 12, 1:30 pm. Please meet at the fountain at the Highland Avenue entrance. We will walk the paved 1.1 mile loop around the park. We wear masks and maintain social distance. Dogs are welcome! To RSVP or ask questions, email
Presbyterian Women: Sharing Lament
ELPC - Online 116 South Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesOn Tuesday, May 18, 12 pm, Prebyterian Women will reflect on "hope," as we conclude our study of lament. Please bring your top 10 (or even 7) list of reasons to hope, as well as a pencil and paper. Rev Marnie Silbert will lead us. All women are welcome, even if you missed the lesson! For Zoom […]
PW Summer Gathering
ELPC - Online 116 South Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesPlease join us on Zoom as we explore "Women in the Church, Then and Now." Lyndsay Hardin Freeman's book, Bible Women, states that there are 93 women who speak in the Bible, 49 of whom are named. We will focus on both women in the New Testament and women leaders in the church since then. […]
PW Gathering | Rejoice in Hope
Join Presbyterian Women from Maine to Hawaii for an online gathering. Our theme, "Rejoice in Hope," is based on Romans 12:12–13. The Rev. Dr. Diane Moffett will offer a message of hope, and Irene Pak Lee, associate pastor at Stone Church in Willow Glen, Pennsylvania, will deliver the keynote address. In addition, Bible study authors, […]
2023 WMI Conference
What does it mean to engage in God’s mission of love, peace, and justice through the major disruptions of our day? How can we lead in mission in new ways amidst such disruption? Join us Friday–Saturday, October 7–8, in person or online, as we explore these questions in lectures, workshops and plenary. The Rev. Eugene […]
PW’s Offering of Letters
ELPC - McKelvy Room (114) 116 South Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesPresbyterian Women is hosting an Offering of Letters in support of the Global Food Security Reauthorization Act of 2022 following Sanctuary worship on World Communion Sunday, October 2, in the McKelvy Room. First introduced in 2008, the Act provides the U.S. government with a comprehensive strategy to fight hunger and malnutrition, promote nutrition among pregnant […]
PW Diaper Drive
East Liberty Presbyterian Church 116 S. Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesClean diapers are a basic need of every infant and toddler. Yet, one in three families cannot afford enough diapers to keep their child clean, dry, and healthy. three in five parents miss work or school because they can’t afford the diapers required to leave their baby in childcare. The Western Pennsylvania Diaper Bank,, […]
Necessary Risks
Anyone who seeks a more just and equitable world is invited to a day of worship, learning, discussion, and good food on Saturday, March 9, 9 am–3 pm, at ELPC. Come for hospitality and sign-in at 8:30 am. If you prefer, you may participate on Zoom. Rev. Dr. Teri McDowell Ott will be our guide. […]
Where Do You Find Hope?
You are invited to “Wrestle with Our Hopes and Fears” in a community of faith on Sunday, January 19, 3–4 pm. This day is the eve, not only of the inauguration of President Donald Trump, but also the celebration of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Join us to share your feelings and respond […]