Picture Day at Hope Academy – Winter 2018
East Liberty Presbyterian Church 116 S. Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesGroup photos will be taken in all Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre (PBT) dance classes and Musical Theater Workshop during regular class time, this week (Saturday, December 9) Students will receive copies of the photo next week during open classes. Please be sure to be on time and dressed according to the dress code. DRESS CODE Girls […]
Sanctuary Worship: Gifts of Women
ELPC - Sanctuary 116 South Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesPlease join us for a special Sanctuary worship service as we celebrate the Gifts of Women. Each year, in partnership with Presbyterian Women, ELPC selects a Sunday close to International Women’s Day (Thursday, March 8), during which we lift up the gifts of women and acknowledge the challenges that women throughout the world continue to […]
Kirtan with Ashley O’Hara
East Liberty Presbyterian Church 116 S. Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesSound and Spirituality: Exploring Traditions As we continue exploring the role sound plays in our spirituality, the Spiritual Life Committee is offering two interfaith programs in March that focus on sound and its use in worship and prayer. Both programs follow Sanctuary worship and feature a light lunch. Everyone is welcome. No prior experience or […]
March for Our Lives Kickoff Meeting
East Liberty Presbyterian Church 116 S. Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesStudents going to Washington, DC for the MARCH FOR OUR LIVES on SAT March 24, are meeting to get to know each other, make signs together, and plan for the march. There will also be a t-shirt making event later that week at AIR studio on the North Side. Chaperones and bus captains will also be […]
Snow Day Club 116 & Hope Academy
Club 116 and Hope Academy of Music and the Arts are both closed today, Wednesday, March 21. Stay home and keep safe and warm!
Helga Scheibert Piano Recital
Hope Academy teaching artist, Helga Scheibert, will present a piano recital featuring works by Liszt, Mozart, Schubert, Scriabin and Kapustin.
Hope Academy Open Classes – Winter 2018
East Liberty Presbyterian Church 116 S. Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesSaturday Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre (PBT) dance classes, Musical Theater Workshop, and Tap classes are all “open for observation” on Saturday, March 24. Families, friends and students who might be interested in joining us in the fall are invited to come and watch – and maybe get in on the action. This is our final day […]
March for Our Lives – PGH to DC
East Liberty Presbyterian Church 116 S. Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesYouth organizers and students from across the Pittsburgh region will take buses on March 24th to join the national March for Our Lives day of action to end gun violence. We stand in solidarity with survivors of the Parkland Florida shooting and demand that our lawmakers make gun reform a top priority to end this […]
YAM: Fishy Road Trip
East Liberty Presbyterian Church 116 S. Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesLet’s hit the road together and to see the one of the most visited sites in all of PA: the amazing Pymatuing spillway where “ducks walk on fish.” Then we just might go out for a yummy fish sandwich. Contact Wil to get your seat in the van. This is a young adult event.
Journey Worship: Passion Sunday
ELPC - Social Hall 116 South Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesJoin us for a lively service of spirit, hope, and praise in which we encounter God’s word in a fresh, compelling way. The blending of contemporary music, Gospel songs and hymns, introspective worship and interactive communal praise helps to reflect the diverse, creative spirit that is at the heart of ELPC. The service is led […]
Sanctuary Worship: Passion Sunday
ELPC - Sanctuary 116 South Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesThis service is held in the Sanctuary on the first floor, with an organ prelude before the service. We extend a warm welcome to our Latino friends and include several prayers in our service bulletin in English and Spanish. This is ELPC’s largest service, offering a traditional worship service with thought-provoking sermons, and the music […]
DG2! African Healing Garden
Doing Good Together!, a partnership with youth at Rodef Shalom, will be helping to expand the African Healing Garden in Larimer to include a youth garden for the community. We will leave ELPC following 11 o'clock worship, eat lunch at the garden, and return to ELPC at 3:30. Please wear clothes appropriate for outdoor digging […]