Youth join with Intergenerational Work Day
As part of the October’s focus on mission, youth in grades 6–12 are encouraged to join with others from our congregation to serve with Open Hand Ministries and Garfield Community Farm. Youth will serve from 9pm–12pm, but the work day will continue until 3pm. Families are WELCOME to join us as this is an event […]
Community Sing with Ysaÿe Barnwell
ELPC - Social Hall 116 South Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesYsaÿe Barnwell, former member of Sweet Honey in the Rock, returns to ELPC after last leading an inspirational Community Sing here in 2013. Click here to download a poster. This event is free and open to the public. A freewill offering will be received. Watch this YouTube video where Dr. Barnwell leads a TED Talk in a Community Sing.
YAM CE Class: Bible Study
ELPC - Pastor's Conference Room 116 S Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesAll Sundays in October (2, 9, 16, 23 & 30) from 9:45-10:45am Spend time with other young adults thoughtfully and completely studying through the Gospel of Mark over this 5 week series as led by a host of special Bible study leaders. See Wil for your study guide booklet which will enhance the experience but […]
Sanctuary Worship
ELPC - Sanctuary 116 South Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesEvery day—but most especially on this World Communion Sunday—we strive to live as a community of mutuality, concern, equality, and love. On this day, we will welcome the Rev. Paul Roberts, president of the Johnson C. Smith Theological Seminary, Atlanta, as our guest. Rev. Roberts will lead a combined adult Church School class at 9:45 […]
Modern Mystic & Symbol of a Century
ELPC - Music Room 116 South Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesThe biographical facts of Thomas Merton’s life are an apt metaphor for the 20th century, but his inner life was shaped by a series of remarkable prayer experiences. Join us as Bonnie Thurston examines both aspects with a view to what our own lives and prayer might be “saying.” A light lunch will be served. […]
Tai Chi: Morning
East Liberty Presbyterian Church 116 S. Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesExperience flowing movements and treat your body to a relaxing workout! Tai Chi classes are offered as a 10-week series several times during the year, on Tuesday mornings and evenings. The morning class runs from 10–11 am; the evening class runs from 6–7 pm. You are welcome to take the whole series or take individual classes […]
Tai Chi: Evening
East Liberty Presbyterian Church 116 S. Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesExperience flowing movements and treat your body to a relaxing workout! Tai Chi classes are offered as a 10-week series several times during the year, on Tuesday mornings and evenings. The morning class runs from 10–11 am; the evening class runs from 6–7 pm. You are welcome to take the whole series or take individual classes on a […]
First Friday @ Arsenal Cider House
We will gather at this local hot spot for some good drink and good conversation. Bring money to try some of the house beverage and an engaging question for the group to discuss. Learn more about the venue at This is a TRAIL young adult event.
Sanctuary Worship
ELPC - Sanctuary 116 South Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesThis week, we will celebrate Indigenous People’s Sunday. Following worship, the ELPC Mission Board invites everyone to the Social Hall for a light lunch and a presentation, titled Indigenous Pittsburgh: Christian Doctrine, Small Pox Blankets, and Native Populations. Click here to read more. This service is held in the Sanctuary on the first floor, with an organ […]
Presentation: Indigenous Pittsburgh
ELPC - Social Hall 116 South Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesNationalism Redefined: In this election year, there has been a rise in so-called nationalism in our country—a call to return to the loyalty and devotion upon which the U.S. was established; a sense of consciousness that exalts the U.S. above all other countries and emphasizes the promotion of culture and superiority. However, America was not discovered, […]
LGBTQ Ministry Day Retreat
Members and friends of ELPC’s LGBTQ Ministry are invited to get away from it all and spend the day with your church family while we ponder the theme of transition through activities, reflections, guest speakers, worship and fellowship. This will be a fun and safe place to explore and to laugh. Cost will be $10 […]
Holy Spirit Breakfast Team
+1 moreThe ELPC Holy Spirit Breakfast Team is growing by leaps and bounds! Join us on the second and fourth Sunday of each month as we cook and serve breakfast for the residents at EECM’s Community House. To sign up for the Breakfast Team or for more information about the Holy Spirit Breakfast Team, please contact […]