Hope Academy Spring Recitals
East Liberty Presbyterian Church 116 S. Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesHope Academy's young singers and musicians are presenting a recital on Sunday, April 24 in the Sanctuary. This is a good opportunity for families interested in private music instruction for their children to come and see Hope Academy's program in action and meet the teaching artists. End of the year recitals will take place on […]
Cancelled: Enneagram Conversation
ELPC - Pastor's Conference Room 116 S Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesThis event has been cancelled. Check back for updates on the May Enneagram discussion. If you would like to discuss the Enneagram with others who are learning and trying to practice self awareness, join us for a monthly discussion group on the fourth Tuesday of each month in the Pastor's Conference Room. This is an […]
Buzzword Perform & Play
East Liberty Presbyterian Church 116 S. Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesPresented by Opera Theater of Pittsburgh and featuring Hope Academy teaching artist, Anqwenique Wingfield, as a bird singing Jazz standards about Nature. Alison Babusci from the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust will be coming to create a painted art work after the performance. This live performance, followed by dinner and activities, for young children from 0 to […]
Colour of Music Black Classical Musicians’ Virtuosi
East Liberty Presbyterian Church 116 S. Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesThe 20-piece Colour of Music Virtuosi is an elite group of musicians selected as ambassadors of the Colour of Music Festival. They perform innovative repertoire incorporating the works of composers of African descent alongside traditional classical works. Each performance will include the ‘father’ of black classical music and predecessor to Mozart, Le Chevalier de Saint-Georges’ […]
Far from the Tree Book Discussion
Far from the Tree: Parents, Children, and the Search for Identity, explores what it’s like for parents of children who are profoundly different or likely to be stigmatized—children with Down syndrome, deafness, autism, dwarfism, or who are prodigies, become criminals, or are conceived in rape. Though these experiences can be difficult and isolating for families, […]
Blessing of the Bikes Service
East Liberty Presbyterian Church 116 S. Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesRejoicing in God’s beautiful creation and seeking to promote healthy, sustainable lifestyles, ELPC will host a Blessing of the Bikes service on. People are encouraged to ride their bikes to ELPC and gather on the Penn Avenue side for a time of prayer, dedication, and celebration. Non-bike riders are welcome! Participants of all ages can […]
First Friday @ the O
Get ready for the Pittsburgh Original. Come hungry for mounds of fries and stay for fellowship. Bring money for food. Contact Wil if you want a ride from ELPC at 6:30pm. Visit the restaurant website at www.theoriginalhotdogshop.com. This is a TRAIL young adult event.
Intergenerational Movie Event
ELPC - Room 234 116 South Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesJoin us as we screen Tuck Everlasting and discuss how this blockbuster film offers us wisdom about our faith, led by the Rev. Dr. Darrell Knopp. Christian Education will provide hot dogs and drinks, but please bring snacks to share.
Warhol Youth Invasion – HAT Co Band Performance
The Warhol Museum 117 Sandusky Street, Pittsburgh, United StatesHope Academy’s teen theater company (HAT Co) band will rock it out with original songs and popular covers as part of The Warhol Museum's Youth Invasion. The evening includes live music, performances, art-making, a fashion show, food, prizes and fun as teens take over the Warhol. The event runs from 5 to 10 pm, with […]
Spiritual Gathering: LGBTQ Ministry
All are welcome at this LGBTQ Ministry monthly spiritual gathering. We will share in fellowship and conversation. See Wil Forrest for details or if you wish to attend.
PW Spring Social Potluck
ELPC - Social Hall 116 South Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesWhen women support each other, incredible things happen! Let’s get together, meet, network, socialize, and have fun as sisters in Christ in the Social Hall. Every woman in the congregation is invited, as we are all a part of Presbyterian Women! We ask that you bring a salad, entree, side, or dessert that introduces you. […]
End of Life Issues
ELPC - Room 234 116 South Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesA spiritual event? A medical event? Or, increasingly, is it a legal event? Many of us in our lifetime become the family member or friend with the responsibility to handle the affairs of a person who dies. Join us as Carolyn Russ, attorney at law, shares what tools are available, your rights and expectations as […]