Ordination Service for Pastor Patrice
East Liberty Presbyterian Church 116 S. Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesEveryone is invited to a special service to ordain the Rev. Patrice Fowler-Searcy as ELPC’s new associate pastor for mission ministries. Then, join us in the Social Hall for a reception immediately following the service.
East Liberty Celebrates MLK @ KST
Kelly Strayhorn Theater 5941 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, United StatesHAT Co (Hope Academy's Teen Theater Company) is performing at this year's 7th Annual East Liberty Celebrates MLK event at the Kelly Strayhorn Theater. Enjoy family-friendly, MLK-themed activities beginning at 12 noon and stay for performances by HAT Co band and other local groups from 2 to 4 pm. Other performers include: 1Hood Media; Tameka […]
HAT Co Performs at Summit Against Racism
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary 616 N. Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesHAT Co (Hope Academy's Teen Theater Company) singers and band will open and perform for the 18th Annual Summit Against Racism. Join us for the 18th Summit Against Racism, at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary hosted this year by the Metro-Urban Institute and the Black and White Reunion. The conference will provide a forum for discussion about […]
Telling Our Stories of Faith: YAM Sunday Class
ELPC - Pastor's Conference Room 116 S Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesDuring this series, ELPC members share their personal stories of faith, hope, love and liberation as we reflect upon them, their biblical relevance and their meanings for our own lives. During this inaugural session we will hear stories of faith from Donni Smith from her own journey. Childcare available in the nursery.
DG2! Challah for Hunger
Rodef ShalomStudents in grades 4 -12 are invited to join Doing Good Together! (DG2!) a partnership between ELPC and Rodef Shalom, for Challah for Hunger: A Hunger Awareness in Pittsburgh Event. We will join the Rodef Shalom Congregation at Rodef for Challah for Hunger (a partnership with University of Pittsburgh, Repair the World, 412 Food Rescue, and Grow Pittsburgh) […]
Spiritual Gathering: LGBTQ Ministry
East Liberty Presbyterian Church 116 S. Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesAll are welcome at this LGBTQ Ministry monthly spiritual gathering. We will share in lunch and fellowship, then we will focus on spiritual wellness as led by Rev. Mary Lynn Callahan. See Wil Forrest for details or if you wish to attend.
Buzzword Performance Series
East Liberty Presbyterian Church 116 S. Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesPresented by Opera Theater of Pittsburgh and featuring Hope Academy teaching artist, Anqwenique Wingfield. Six exciting live performances and workshops for young children, from 0 to 5, and their families at East Liberty Presbyterian Church. Interactive and child-friendly, these shows are short enough to hold the interest of toddlers, and engaging enough for their older […]
Images of God: Whom do you say I am?
ELPC - Second Floor Parlor 116 S Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesJoin us for a day retreat in the Parlor and explore in greater depth who God is for you. Through meditations and reflections, guided imagery and silence, discover your most fundamental image of the Divine and consider how it impacts your life, relationships, and prayer. Breakfast and lunch will be provided.
First Friday @ EECM
Come share in a service opportunity sure to feed body and soul. Contact Wil to sign up to bring something to feed the guests in the homeless shelter and other residents in the new EECM Community House. We will meet at Community House kitchen with the food ready to serve the guests at 7pm. NOTE […]
Just Mercy Book Discussion
ELPC - Pastor's Conference Room 116 S Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesThe Justice Committee invites you to a book study/discussion of Bryan Stevenson’s Just Mercy. Stevenson is a Harvard-educated activist lawyer seeking justice for wrongly convicted prisoners on death row. This book tells the stories of these men and their families, and makes a compelling case for mercy. Books can be obtained from public libraries, Amazon, […]
An Interfaith Look at Images of God
ELPC - Second Floor Parlor 116 S Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesJoin us as ELPC hosts an Interfaith Panel featuring local religious leaders in the Second Floor Parlor. Each panelist will share their own image of God and how it has been shaped by their faith tradition. Lunch will be served. Panelists include: Rev. Dr. Randy Bush, senior pastor at East Liberty Presbyterian Church Khenpo Choephel, […]
DG2! Purim Prep
Students in grades 4 -12 are invited to join Doing Good Together! (DG2!) a partnership between ELPC and Rodef Shalom. We will meet at ELPC at 12:00pm, travel to Rodef Shalom where we will together eat lunch, learn about Purim and help with Purim carnival preparations. We will return to ELPC at 3:30 pm. RSVP to Sara Hackett […]