LGBTQ Parent Group Luncheon and Discussion
East Liberty Presbyterian Church 116 S. Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesLGBTQ parents and their children are invited to a luncheon and discussion. Folks will have an opportunity to get to know each other and explore if there is some benefit of this group having periodic contact. We simply are seeking to create a space for conversation between folks who might share common joys, challenges, needs […]
Hope Academy On-Site Registration
East Liberty Presbyterian Church 116 S. Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesIf you would like to pay your tuition with cash, or talk to someone in-person about your child's involvement with Hope Academy, there are 2 days this week to do so. Otherwise, it is perfectly fine to mail your registration form and payment to us, or drop it off at the front desk. ON-SITE REGISTRATION […]
Chancel Choir Practice
ELPC - Sanctuary 116 South Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesThe Chancel Choir rehearses on Thursday evenings from 7–8:30 pm in the Sanctuary and provides musical leadership at the 11 am Sunday Sanctuary worship service. No audition is required, just the desire to learn and have fun as we prepare to lead worship. The choir is open to everyone high school age and older. Dr. Ed […]
Hope Academy On-Site Registration
East Liberty Presbyterian Church 116 S. Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesIf you would like to pay your tuition with cash, or talk to someone in-person about your child's involvement with Hope Academy, there are 2 days this week to do so. Otherwise, it is perfectly fine to mail your registration form and payment to us, or drop it off at the front desk. ON-SITE REGISTRATION […]
First Friday @ Wallace
Unity Presbyterian Church 1146 Greentree Road, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesLaugh it up! This coffeehouse evening will include fellowship, treats and lots of Fair Trade PLUS Café Justo coffee. Participants are asked to bring a poem, song, reading, Scripture, a story or anything creative to share with the group focused on the theme of humor, as well as well as to bring a dessert to […]
HAT Co Auditions
We are looking for strong and committed singers, dancers, actors and musicians who will fearlessly throw themselves into creating artistic work together. ABOUT HAT Co This audition-only company provides a more intensive, ensemble- and performance-based experience for teenagers who are interested in the performing arts. HAT Co members are encouraged to make their own work, […]
PBT Dance Placement Auditions + Recycle, Donate and Swap Dance Clothes
ELPC - Gym 116 S. Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, United StatesStudents who would like to be considered for acceptance into the Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre (PBT) Bridge Ballet 1 class at Hope Academy should attend this placement audition. Students who were selected to participate in the Bridge Ballet 1 class during the Spring 2015 term do not need to attend this audition (they are invited to […]
Meet the Music Teaching Artists Open House
East Liberty Presbyterian Church 116 S. Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesMeet the music teachers at Hope Academy of Music and the Arts to find out more about private voice and instrument lessons for your child. You may also register and schedule your lessons. Children love music and movement; it’s natural – almost instinctual – for them to sing, clap, make rhythms, and move. But how […]
Senior High Planning Retreat
Camp Crestfield & Conference Center 195 Taggart Road, Slippery Rock, PA, United StatesTogether for 24 hours we will share meals, work together to complete the low ropes challenge course, play games, worship and brainstorm youth events, how to increase attendance, themes and more for the coming year! who should come? Any youth who has started 9th-12th grade who wants to have input into the youth ministry here at […]
LGBTQ Ministry Spiritual Gathering
Join us for our monthly spiritual gathering where we share food, support, stories, and our Christian walk. Please contact Wil Forrest if you are interested in more information or if you wish to attend.
Renovation Informational Session
ELPC - Chapel 116 South Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesRepresentatives from the Renovations Committee and architects Pfaffmann + Associates will meet after worship in the Chapel to discuss renovation plans and schematic design proposals.
First Day of Hope Academy’s Fall Term
East Liberty Presbyterian Church 116 S. Highland Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, United StatesHope Academy classes and private lessons begin today! If you haven't already registered, and if you are interested in doing so, please fill out this online form for more information. Many classes are filled, but we can put you on the wait list if you'd like. Our private lessons are scheduled and some teachers have […]