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News & Events
The Facing Systemic Racism Committee invites you to a new series that's designed to provide a big picture overview of how Christianity invented, codified, perpetuated, and benefited from white supremacy. Led by Dr. Brock Bahler, we will consider not only how we continue to be implicated in this history, but also how we can lament, […]
Youth, parents, and caregivers are invited to join us after Sanctuary worship for lunch and a program on talking together about mental health. Being a teen and parenting a teen can both be hard, especially so these last couple of years. We hope this Building Better Mental Health Workshop will help families have important conversations […]
Please join the Garden Crew on Saturday, November 5, for their final volunteer work day of 2022. Work will focus on the flower beds at the Highland Entrance, in the Courtyard, and in the Children's Play Yard. Green thumbs are not required—just bring a generous spirit and a pair of work gloves to the Highland […]
Calling all young adults! Join us as we serve our church family by handing out bulletins at Sanctuary worship.
The Environmental Team of the Justice Committee is reading Blue Revolution: Unmaking America’s Water Crisis by Cynthia Barnett. Americans see water as abundant and cheap: we turn on the faucet and out it gushes. We use more water than any other culture in the world, much to quench what’s now our largest crop—the lawn. Yet […]
High schoolers (must be at least 13 years old) are volunteering at Blessing Board, helping qualifying families receive free furniture.
Yamuna will lead a brief, but sweet yoga retreat on Saturday, November 12, 9 am–12 pm, in the Sanctuary. This abbreviated retreat will include a yoga class, some meditation, and maybe a JourneyDance experience. No lunch will be included. However, we invite all participants to bring their own lunch, and we can have an informal […]
Join Yamuna for a brief, but sweet yoga retreat on Saturday, November 12, 9 am–12 pm, in the Sanctuary. This abbreviated retreat will include a yoga class, some meditation, and maybe an abbreviated JourneyDance experience. No lunch will be included. However, we invite all participants to bring their own lunch, and we can have an […]
You are invited to the next Spiritual Gathering of ELPC’s LGBTQ Ministry to share food and fellowship at the church. Allies and LGBTQIA+ folks alike are welcome. Contact Wil Forrest at 412.441.3800 X118 or Wil@coh.net to learn more, to RSVP, and/or to participate. GOD CREATED YOU. GOD LOVES YOU. BE YOURSELF.
Yamuna Morgenstern offers Cathedral Yoga class on Wednesdays, 6–7 pm! Join her and others in the ELPC Sanctuary or your own home via Zoom (password: Yamuna) as she guides you through gentle poses. No yoga experience is necessary to enjoy the class, which Yamuna continues to offer with joy, light, and her uplifting playlists and […]
The ELPC Connections Group will be going together to see the movie “Till” on Saturday, November 19, at the Waterfront Theater. After the movie, we’ll get coffee and dessert and discuss the film. RSVP to connectelpc@gmail.com and let us know if you would like a ride. We won’t know the exact showtime until a few […]
You read that right! The ELPC Spiritual Life Committee (SLC) invites you to the first-ever Fall Pie Festival following Sanctuary worship on Sunday, November 20. You are welcome to bring your favorite fall pie (or cake or cookies) to share with the congregation. The SLC will provide whipped cream, ice cream, and warm drinks while […]
ELPC's Cathedral Concerts series will kick off it's 2022–2023 season on Sunday, November 20, 3 pm, with an exciting concert featuring guest conductor Dr. Anthony Leach, the ELPC Chancel Choir, and special guests. Contact Dr. Ed Moore for details. Download Program
There will be no Club One Sixteen this week. Our regular schedule resumes next Wednesday, November 30. Youth in grades 1–12 are welcome to attend an evening of fellowship, study, and worship. Programming includes homework help, open gym, educational workshops, dinner, and Bible study each week. Participation requires a completed 2022–2023 Enrollment Form. SCHEDULE: 3:30 […]
Renaissance City Choir, Pittsburgh’s LGBTQIA+ chorus, is thrilled to invite you to their first in-person holiday concert since 2019: Holiday Greetings & Gay Happy Meetings. Join RCC's 100-voice choir in the ELPC Sanctuary on Saturday, December 3, 7:30 pm. In addition to fun holiday favorites with RCC's signature twist, we'll be joined by special guests […]