Job Title: Private Lesson Teaching Artist (Voice and Instruments)
Organization Overview
Hope Academy of Music and the Arts, an arts education outreach program of East Liberty Presbyterian Church, offers a safe place where young people of diverse racial, ethnic, cultural, socioeconomic, religious and linguistic backgrounds can further their personal and artistic growth through the study and performance of theater, dance and music. We strive to create a diverse and inclusive artistic community that provides deep arts instruction through a sequential and progressive program; that supports the personal and artistic growth of students and teaching artists, alike; and contributes to our community’s positive growth and cultural vibrancy. Over 350 young people and their families participate in Hope Academy’s programs throughout the year.
Job Summary
Hope Academy of Music and the Arts is seeking experienced teaching artists for its music program located at East Liberty Presbyterian Church (116 S. Highland Ave, Pittsburgh 15206). The teaching artist will be responsible for teaching private lessons (instrumental or vocal).
- Deliver high-quality private music instruction to students from 7 to 18 years old (with the exception of Suzuki teaching artists, who may have students as young as 3 years old)
- Act as a model, inspiration and mentor to each student
- Collaborate and communicate with parents, administrative staff, and faculty
- Create and maintain a consistent schedule of lessons for the school year within the Hope Academy schedule (mid-September to early June with Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter breaks)
- Complete an intake assessment and end of the year evaluation for each student
- Update a weekly online schedule
- Provide assessment of students’ musical and behavioral progress through a brief, weekly evaluation at each lesson
- Attend a teaching artist orientation/training prior to the start of the fall term
- Prepare students to participate in at least one recital (these are scheduled on four Sundays throughout the year)
- Accompany students on the piano during lessons (voice teachers)
Position Requirements
- Experience teaching music (private lessons, ensembles, group classes) to children of different ages, abilities and from diverse backgrounds
- High level of personal musicianship
- Personable, collaborate nature and ability to work with staff and families
- Clearances – Act 33/34, FBI Fingerprint and Mandated Reporter Training Certificate. Details about clearance, HERE
- Regular access and ability to use internet and email
Educational Requirements
Bachelor’s degree in music education or performance required; additional coursework or training in music pedagogy preferred. Commensurate teaching experience and artistic accomplishment are also considered in lieu of a degree.
Private lessons are scheduled Tuesday – Friday from 2 to 8:30 pm; and Saturday from 8 am to 5 pm. Teaching artists select the days and time blocks they will be available to teach. The school year runs from mid-September to early June with teaching artist orientation/training sessions in early September.
For more information about Hope Academy of Music and the Arts, please visit:
How to apply for a teaching artist position
If you are interested in applying, please complete the online application form HERE.
You will be asked to upload a resume or CV; bio (maximum of 500 words); head shot or photo. Please have these electronic files ready to upload before you begin filling out the form – you will not be able to leave the form and come back to it later.
You will also be asked to answer the following 5 questions:
- Why do you want to teach at the Hope Academy of Music and the Arts?
- What is your teaching philosophy (for teaching music in general and/or your instrument in particular)?
- What are some of your favorite teaching strategies?
- How would you assess your success in teaching students?
- What types of students (for example age, ability level, temperament) are you most successful teaching?
Hope Academy of Music and the Arts does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, religious belief, gender, sexual orientation, age, national origin, ancestry, veteran status, physical or mental disability or any other protected status in admission or access to, or employment in its programs and activities.