God’s vision for the world is that everyone find a place within God’s kingdom. At Pentecost, we celebrate the pouring out of the Holy Spirit by God, so that people of every identity and language can hear a word of welcome into the kingdom of God. We all belong to God, and so it is only righteous and just for us to live together, learn together, and celebrate together in peace—despite our differences.
As Presbyterians, at Pentecost, we look especially to the children, youth, and young adults with whom God has called us to live. The psalmist reminds us of the importance of faith being established during our earliest years, saying, “God from my youth you have taught me, and I still proclaim your wondrous deeds.” Our youngest church members—and our community—need help to build their full potential in both faith and life—and all of us have a role to play. When we pay attention, we may find that children and youth teach us more than we realize about faith in Jesus Christ and how the Holy Spirit is moving in our world.
During this Pentecost season, the ELPC Mission Board encourages us to celebrate the fact that we are building a life of faith and building the community of God inside and outside our church’s walls by supporting children, youth, and young adults.
ELPC will receive the Pentecost Offering on Pentecost Sunday, May 23. You may give by mailing your donation to the church, submitting a designated gift through electronic bank transfer, or donating online. Please give generously, as you are able.