During “spring cleaning” season, the Environmental Team of the Justice Committee suggests using eco-friendly household cleaning products. As you may know, many of the common household cleaners and detergents are not only toxic and harmful to to humans and animals, but they also are harmful to our environment. Here are some helpful tips.
Avoid: Bleach-Based Powders
Many cleaning powders, like Comet, contain chloroform, formaldehyde, benzene, and other toxic ingredients.
Use: Baking Soda
However, do not add vinegar or lemons to baking soda. The bubbling reaction you see when the ingredients are combined is the acid neutralizing the power of the baking soda.
Avoid: Furniture Polish
Products like Pledge contain nitrobenzene, which is toxic and easily absorbed through the skin.
Use: A Simple Solution
In a glass spray bottle, combine 1 cup water, 1/2 cup distilled vinegar, 2 tbsp olive or coconut oil, 10 drops lemon essential oil, and 5 drops cedarwood essential oil.