This blog post will tell you everything you need to know about Musical Theater Workshop (Singing, Acting and Tap Dance) at Hope Academy, including the schedule for Saturdays, the calendar for the entire year, what to wear and bring; our safety and respect rules, policies and procedures; and performances.
This Week in Worship: September 11–17, 2015
Here’s what’s happening in worship this week.
Worship Services
Journey Worship | Sunday, at 8:45 am
An interactive, energetic service for those seeking a fresh encounter with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our theme this month is Moving On. The Rev. Patrice Fowler-Searcy will preach from Philippians 3:12–16.
Sanctuary Worship | Sunday, at 11 am
Our largest service, with music from the Chancel Choir and an organ prelude prior to the service. This week, the Rev. Dr. Randy Bush will preach from Exodus 3:13–15. His sermon will be titled “Re-Confirmation Class: Lesson #1 – God,” the first part of a five-part series. The Brass Roots will provide music.
Taizé | Wednesday, at 7 pm
An hour-long service including sung prayers; simple, beautiful music; a time of silence; spoken and silent prayers; and an opportunity for individual prayer and anointing. The Rev. Mary Lynn Callahan will lead worship. Stay afterward for live music on the Labyrinth.
Christian Education Classes
We offer Christian Education classes for persons of all ages, from infancy through adulthood, on Sundays from 9:45–10:45 am. Click the links for adult class descriptions and children and youth offerings.
Contemporaries | Second Floor Parlor
Welcome and Introduction
Get to know our intergenerational fellowship of men and women as we seek to live as faithful Christians in the 21st century. We cover a wide range of current topics, including theology, justice, mission, and modern life.
This week, Charles Nordquist leads our lesson, How Much is Enough to Leave Our Children, based on Matthew 25:14–30.
Journey With Scripture | Second Floor Library
“Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable to you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer”—(Psalm 19:14). September’s readings begin to explore “wisdom”—wisdom personified, wisdom public, at hand, and ultimately infinite—a grace that exceeds our wits end and grants us peace. Join us as we perhaps wisen up!
This week, our readings are Proverbs 1:20–33; Psalm 19; James 3:1–12; Mark 8:27–38.
Seekers | Room 234
Uganda Children’s Choir Share their Love for God
Come see a DVD of the Uganda Children’s Choir singing about their love of God. These children once were abused, orphaned, or child soldiers. They will tell their stories and share how they are cared for, loved, educated, and learn about the love of God in Watato Children’s Villages. We also will hear about upcoming classes for the year.
Soul Food | Room 244 and Pastor’s Conference Room
Gathering Session and Introduction
Both section will begin by meeting in Room 244 for an introduction to our new text, An Altar in the World by Barbara Brown Taylor.
This Week in Worship: September 4–10, 2015
Here’s what’s happening in worship this week.
Worship Services
Summer Worship | Sunday, at 10 am
This week, we will hold our final Courtyard worship service before returning to our regular worship schedule next week. As a reminder, additional seating and a screen will be available in the third floor Music Room. The Rev. Dr. Randy Bush will preach from Proverbs 22:1–11, 16. His sermon will be titled “Preventing Identity Theft.”
Taizé | Wednesday, at 7 pm
An hour-long service including sung prayers; simple, beautiful music; a time of silence; spoken and silent prayers; and an opportunity for individual prayer and anointing. The Rev. Mary Lynn Callahan will lead worship. Stay afterward for an extended time of music and prayer.
Christian Education Classes
As a reminder, our Christian Education classes are on break. Classes will resume next Sunday on Rally Day. Check next week’s post for class details.
Building Our Future
As you know, ELPC is in the midst of the planning stages of a monumental renovation project. The proposed enhancements will allow us to honor the beauty of our church while preparing our building to meet the future needs of our ministry and community.
In order to make these dreams a reality, we need resources. Therefore, we have begun the Building Our Future capital campaign. The campaign is our initiative to raise $6 million over a five year period to meet our current and future needs. Of that goal, we hope to raise $2.25 million through gifts from the congregation and $3–4 million from local and regional philanthropic foundations. Our campaign is progressing beautifully in both areas. Our congregation has been incredibly generous so far, and we have received substantial support from the Richard King Mellon Foundation.
The Building Our Future campaign is a large undertaking. Perhaps you, a friend, or some one you know has already been asked to participate. If not, please know that your support is critical to our success. Between now and the end of the year, we will invite every member and friend of the ELPC family to participate. Meanwhile, we ask that everyone, regardless of your current involvement, pray for the success of the Building Our Future campaign. More details will be coming soon.
Hope Academy’s 2015-2016 Season of Theater, Music and Dance
Hope Academy’s fall term classes and private lessons begin on September 14. Registration is now open so download the Hope Academy Course Brochure 2015-16, fill out the registration form and return it with your payment, apply for a SCHOLARSHIP or to AUDITION for HAT Co (Hope Academy Teen Theater Company), or HAT Co Rock Band. On-site registrations take place at East Liberty Presbyterian Church on Tuesday, Sept 1 and Friday, September 4 from 6 to 8 pm.
If you are interested in registering for private music instruction, please complete the online Inquiry Form. This will help us to have a more informed conversation with you, and will expedite the process of matching your child with a teacher and finding a lesson day/time that will fit into your schedule. You may also come to a “Meet the Music Teachers Open House” on Saturday, September 5 from 2 to 4 pm.
NEW for 2015-2016: an expansion of our Tap Dance program (two additional levels); Songwriting for Teens; Beginning Ukulele Class for Teens; a 3rd year level for our Suzuki Violin Program; and a NEW Music Discovery class for five and six year olds, in partnership with the Pittsburgh School for the Choral Arts.
A more intensive level of Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre (PBT) dance at Hope Academy is being offered to prepare select dancers for PBT scholarship auditions in the spring; last year 5 of the 20 recipients were from Hope Academy. This Bridge Ballet 1 class is geared to more committed and focused young dancers, from 5 to 8 years old. There will be a placement session on Saturday, September 5 at 12 noon, for anyone interested in this class.
Finally, there is a new online application process for scholarships and HAT Co. You can fill in these forms online and submit them electronically.
- Discover the Talent Scholarship Application 2015-2016 – for private music instruction (voice and instrumental)
- HAT Co Application – for Hope Academy Teen Theater Company (HAT Co) and HAT Co Rock Band
Auditions for Hope Academy’s Teen Theater Company and Rock Band (HAT Co) will take place on Saturday, September 5 from 9 to 11 am.
We have a year full of exciting performances and events lined up, so keep checking our calendar and follow us on social media!
Connect with Hope Academy
This Week in Worship: August 28–September 3, 2015
Here’s what’s happening in worship this week.
Worship Services
Summer Worship | Sunday, at 10 am
This week, worship will be held in the Courtyard, weather permitting. Additional seating and a screen will be available in the third floor Music Room. The Rev. Dr. Randy Bush will preach from Ephesians 3:7–21. His sermon will be entitled “Praying for Abundance.”
Taizé | Wednesday, at 7 pm
An hour-long service including sung prayers; simple, beautiful music; a time of silence; spoken and silent prayers; and an opportunity for individual prayer and anointing. The Rev. Mary Lynn Callahan will lead worship. There will not be a class after the service.
Christian Education Classes
As a reminder, our Christian Education classes are on break. Classes will resume on Rally Day, Sun., Sept. 13.
Soul Food | Room 250
Following our worship service Sun., Aug. 30, the Soul Food class will hold its last summer session in the second floor Library (Room 250). Judy Roberts will lead our session.
This Week in Worship: August 21–27, 2015
Here’s what’s happening in worship this week.
Worship Services
Summer Worship | Sunday, at 10 am
This week, worship will be held in the Courtyard, weather permitting. Additional seating and a screen will be available in the third floor Music Room. The Rev. Heather Schoenewolf will preach from Ephesians 6:10–20. Her sermon will be entitled “Finding Strength.”
Taizé | Wednesday, at 7 pm
An hour-long service including sung prayers; simple, beautiful music; a time of silence; spoken and silent prayers; and an opportunity for individual prayer and anointing. The Rev. Mary Lynn Callahan will lead worship. Plan on staying afterward for celebrations!
Christian Education Classes
As a reminder, our Christian Education classes are on break. Please check back later this summer for details about Rally Day and our fall classes.
This Week in Worship: August 14–20, 2015
Here’s what’s happening in worship this week.
Worship Services
Summer Worship | Sunday, at 10 am
This week, worship will be held in the Courtyard, weather permitting. Additional seating and a screen will be available in the third floor Music Room. The Rev. Dr. Randy Bush will preach from Ephesians 5:15–33, as part of our month-long focus on Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians. His sermon will be entitled “Loving Values.”
Taizé | Wednesday, at 7 pm
An hour-long service including sung prayers; simple, beautiful music; a time of silence; spoken and silent prayers; and an opportunity for individual prayer and anointing. The Rev. Mary Lynn Callahan will lead worship. Plan on staying afterward for live music on the Labyrinth.
Christian Education Classes
As a reminder, our Christian Education classes are on break. Please check back later this summer for details about Rally Day and our fall classes.
This Week in Worship: August 7–13, 2015
Here’s what’s happening in worship this week.
Worship Services
Summer Worship | Sunday, at 10 am
This week, worship will be held in the Courtyard, weather permitting. Additional seating and a screen will be available in the third floor Music Room. The Rev. Mary Lynn Callahan will preach from Ephesians 4:25–5:2, as part of our month-long focus on Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians. Her sermon will be entitled “Imitating God.”
Taizé | Wednesday, at 7 pm
An hour-long service including sung prayers; simple, beautiful music; a time of silence; spoken and silent prayers; and an opportunity for individual prayer and anointing. The Rev. Mary Lynn Callahan will lead worship. Plan on staying afterward for an extended time of music and prayer
Christian Education Classes
As a reminder, our Christian Education classes are on break. Please check back later this summer for details about Rally Day and our fall classes.
This Week in Worship: July 31–August 6, 2015
Here’s what’s happening in worship this week.
Worship Services
Summer Worship | Sunday, at 10 am
This week, worship will be held in the Courtyard, weather permitting. Additional seating and a screen will be available in the third floor Music Room. The Rev. Dr. Randy Bush will preach from Ephesians 4:1—16, as part of our month-long focus on Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians. His sermon will be entitled “The Global Body of Christ.”
Taizé | Wednesday, at 7 pm
An hour-long service including sung prayers; simple, beautiful music; a time of silence; spoken and silent prayers; and an opportunity for individual prayer and anointing. The Rev. Mary Lynn Callahan will lead worship. We will not have an after-Taizé class this week.
Christian Education Classes
As a reminder, our Christian Education classes are on break. Please check back later this summer for details about Rally Day and our fall classes.