Here’s a list of what’s happening this week in our Church School classes. We offer Christian Education classes for persons of all ages, from infancy through adulthood, on Sundays, 9:45–10:45 am, unless otherwise noted. Youth classes are currently meeting after our Sanctuary worship service. Read more about our adult classes and children and youth offerings. Read More
Lent Devotional Week 5: Finding Hope in the Desert
Lenten Reflection on John 12:1-8
The writer of the gospel of John was both a literary master and a gifted theologian. For example, the story of Jesus being anointed with an expensive perfume had already been told in the earlier gospel of Mark. (Go back and read Mark 14:3-11.) The woman in that earlier story is never named, nor is any reason given for her act of incredible generosity. After she finishes, Judas Iscariot leaves the room and sets in motion his plan to betray Jesus. But in John’s gospel, this story is moved to a time right after the raising of Lazarus, and the act of lavish devotion is assigned to Lazarus’ sister, Mary. And the main objector to this act is now Judas Iscariot, who is described as a thief and a hypocrite.
2021 One Great Hour of Sharing Offering
Scripture reminds us that God’s people belong with those in need—releasing people from the bonds of injustice, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and welcoming those without shelter. And as Jesus instructs in Matthew 25, the Church is compelled to serve those who are thirsty, imprisoned, and ill. Read More
Worship with Us | Week of March 21, 2021
Here’s what’s happening this week in worship. As a reminder, our services are currently being held virtually.
Journey Worship | Sunday, 8:45 am
An interactive, energetic service for those seeking a fresh encounter with the gospel of Jesus Christ. This month’s theme is Grow Stronger. Pastor Patrice will preach from John 12:20–33.
Join us on YouTube or Zoom on your computer, mobile device, or tablet. If you’d like to join by telephone, call 929.205.6099 and enter Meeting ID 188 135 194 when prompted (press # if asked for a personal ID).
Sanctuary Worship | Sunday, 11 am
Our largest service, with music from the Chancel Choir and an organ prelude prior to the service. Download this week’s bulletin. Pastor Randy will preach from John 12:1–8 and his sermon will be titled “Fragrant Faith.”
Watch our livestream on YouTube or Facebook. If you’d like to join by telephone, call 929.205.6099 and enter Meeting ID 188 135 194 when prompted (press # if asked for a personal ID).
Taizé Prayer Service | Wednesday, 7 pm
Join us in the Sanctuary for a special guided prayer walk, including several prayer stations throughout the space, accompanied by organ music from Dr. Ed.
Please enter the Sanctuary through the Penn Avenue doors. To allow for social distancing, we suggest that you plan your visit around these times, according to the first letter of your last name:
- A–G | 7 pm and on
- H–O | 7:25 pm and on
- P–Z | 7:50 pm and on
Church School Classes | March 21, 2021
Here’s a list of what’s happening this week in our Church School classes. We offer Christian Education classes for persons of all ages, from infancy through adulthood, on Sundays, 9:45–10:45 am, unless otherwise noted. Youth classes are currently meeting after our Sanctuary worship service. Read more about our adult classes and children and youth offerings. Read More
Lent Devotional Week 4: Finding Hope in the Desert
Lenten Reflection and Psalm 137 on Ezekiel 40
God’s people experienced a season of exile – in which many were sent away from their homes; the temple was destroyed; an enemy was in power of their land. In this time, God’s people wondered, among MANY OTHER questions, things like: How long will this last? Where is God? How can we be God’s people in this context?
Exile is an experience of being separated from your home – not just the place where you live but the places and people that help you be YOU, your most complete and authentic self. Exile is a time of being separated from those you love – from family, friends or community. Exile is a season of having the world as you have known it completely disrupted by forces out of your control, leaving you with no solid idea of how to get back to “normal.”
Worship with Us | Week of March 14, 2021
Here’s what’s happening this week in worship. As a reminder, our services are currently being held virtually.
Journey Worship | Sunday, 8:45 am
An interactive, energetic service for those seeking a fresh encounter with the gospel of Jesus Christ. This month’s theme is Grow Stronger. Pastor Heather will preach from Genesis 21:8–20.
Join us on YouTube or Zoom on your computer, mobile device, or tablet. If you’d like to join by telephone, call 929.205.6099 and enter Meeting ID 188 135 194 when prompted (press # if asked for a personal ID).
Sanctuary Worship | Sunday, 11 am
Our largest service, with music from the Chancel Choir and an organ prelude prior to the service. Download this week’s bulletin. This week, we are celebrating “Gifts of Women Sunday.” Pastor Heather will preach from Genesis 21:8–20, and her sermon will be titled “Imposter Syndrome.”
Watch our livestream on YouTube or Facebook. If you’d like to join by telephone, call 929.205.6099 and enter Meeting ID 188 135 194 when prompted (press # if asked for a personal ID).
Taizé Prayer Service | Wednesday, 7 pm
Pastor BJ and our Taizé musicians will lead a live, online service. Watch our livestream on YouTube.
Celebrating the Gifts of Women
On Sunday, March 14, we will celebrate Gifts of Women Sunday. Pastor Heather will preach at our Journey and Sanctuary worship services, on the subject of “When Women Tell Our Stories,” and members of Presbyterian Women will serve as liturgists.
What can we learn when we hear women’s voices—issuing lament, calling us to justice, offering thanksgiving, or interpreting the events of the world through the lens of a woman’s unique experience?
Join us as we celebrate the gifts and voices of women in our world and faith tradition, and strive to open our spirits to the power of the Holy Spirit at work through the women in our midst. And also consider supporting Presbyterian Women’s Drive-by Diaper Drive this day
Church School Classes | March 14, 2021
Here’s a list of what’s happening this week in our Church School classes. We offer Christian Education classes for persons of all ages, from infancy through adulthood, on Sundays, 9:45–10:45 am, unless otherwise noted. Youth classes are currently meeting after our Sanctuary worship service. Read more about our adult classes and children and youth offerings. Read More
Lent Devotional Week 3: Finding Hope in the Desert
Lenten Reflection on Exodus 16:1-8; 31
Crisis or wilderness experiences, whether precipitated by daily need or physical suffering can lead to a crisis of faith. In the Exodus passage, just days after being freed from Egyptian bondage, the Israelites find themselves in a state of perceived danger. Obviously, the Israelites had forgotten about God’s provision of water in Elim, just a few verses before. They find themselves, once again in a wilderness place, murmuring and complaining about their perceived lack of food and nourishment. Food instability and lack of access to secure food are realities for far too many people, and most especially for children, in this the land of plenty. Therefore, we cannot minimize the need or fail to hold our government responsible for providing access and resources to secure food, or minimize our responsibility to ensure that people who are hungry are fed.