We give thanks for the 123 people who completed ELPC’s survey sponsored by the Facing Systemic Racism Team. Responses shed light on where ELPC is in its journey toward becoming an anti-racist congregation. Respondents showed broad disagreement with statements such as “ELPC institutional structures and culture maintain white power and privilege” and broad agreement with statements such as “ELPC is committed to working to dismantle racism in the wider community.” Read More
Pastoral Message | September 2020
When in recent history has there been a time when so much that we have taken for granted is now called into question? Suddenly we don’t travel; we don’t visit older relatives; some stores are closed or out of business, while in other stores we don’t linger if there’s a crowd present. Summer months always give way to seasons of school and college openings, but suddenly those routines have been upended by online learning, remote classes, and a host of safety precautions. Some voices around us are quick to discredit science; other voices admit that we just don’t know enough to give people the information they need. Things that shouldn’t be political have now become points of contention (like wearing masks); things that used to be simple are now messy and complicated (like policing or voting). Read More
FSR Team’s Weekly Recommendations | August 31
In support of our vision for ELPC to live into its designation of being a Matthew 25 Church, the Facing Systemic Racism team recognizes that we cannot achieve this vision absent all of us being better informed about issues related to race, and, specifically African Americans in the United States. There are many resources available, so we will suggest a few options each week. Whether you chose from this list or have other books, films, etc., on this topic, please consider making time for this important faith work this summer. The FSR team challenges us to as a congregation read, watch, or listen to 1,000 books, TV programs, webinars, podcasts, or articles by Labor Day, September 7, 2020.
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VCS Update and Thank You
Truly, this has been a summer unlike any other! Although the COVID-19 pandemic made it impossible to gather for a week this summer at ELPC, we were still able to learn, worship, and enjoy God from our own homes. The Children and Family Ministry Team created a curriculum that invited children to “Meet Jesus at Home” this summer. Boxes with supplies for activities were assembled and distributed to kids who participated, and videos were created with the help of our church family that offered instruction and encouragement to help kids learn and grow. Read More
This Week in Worship: August 28–September 3, 2020
Here’s what’s happening in worship this week. Click on “more” for details about this week’s Church School class offerings.
Worship Services
Summer Worship | Sunday, 11 am
Our largest service, with music from the Chancel Choir and an organ prelude prior to the service. Pastor Heather will preach from Exodus 3:1–15, and her sermon will be titled “Moses + 1: Looking Out for Those Around Us.”
Watch our livestream on YouTube or Facebook. If you’d like to join by telephone, call 929.205.6099 and enter Meeting ID 188 135 194 when prompted (press # if asked for a personal ID).
Taizé Prayer Service | Wednesday, 7 pm
The Rev. BJ Woodworth will select an archived service with an impactful message. Tune in at 7 pm, or as your time permits. Stream here
Let’s Become Pen Pals
Register Today for Children and Youth Virtual Programs and Events
ELPC offers a variety of programming for children and youth. Click on a program below for more information and visit our children and youth section to read about more offerings. Our current group programming for children, youth, and families is happening at home and online. We are delivering supplies for mission projects, Bible studies, crafts, and games. To register your child for a program, please fill out the online form below.
Children | Pre-K–Grade 5
This fall, we will journey together and learn about God’s love through an at home activity box and monthly Zoom check-ins. Our theme for September is “Love thy Neighbor as Thyself.” Together, we will enact God’s love—and love God in return—by loving our neighbor.
Middle School | Grades 6–8
We will meet at 12:30 pm on the second Sunday of each month, Beginning on September 13, with a Building Challenge and exploration of how Jesus built a community of disciples and how we can build community today.
High School | Grades 9–12
Will meet at 12:30 pm on the third Sunday of each month, beginning September 20, by looking at 1 Kings 19 when Elijah is fed fresh baked bread by God while baking muffins together via Zoom. Throughout the month, we also will keep in touch by passing a notebook through the class (with the help of the U.S. Postal Service) with reflections and prayer requests.
Parenting Circle
Anyone involved in parenting (singles, couples, adoptive parents, step-parents, grandparents, guardians, mentors, etc.) are welcome to join us on Sundays, 9:45 am, on Zoom. We share experiences, resources, prayer, and scripture as we explore how our faith builds and nourishes our family lives, as well as nurtures our parent/child relationships.
See our other Adult Church School Classes here.
Grades 1–3 | Thursdays
Adults will be bringing club one sixteen to your front yard in mid-September (with help from parents). Then on Thursday, September 24, 5:30 pm, we will gather together on Zoom so we can see each other for Bible Study and fun!
Grades 4–7 | Wednesdays, 4:30–5:15 pm
Starting September 16, we will be rotating through all our favorite club one sixteen activities on Zoom…art, Bible study, and gym. All supplies will be delivered to you, but we’ll share instructions and laughs on Zoom.
Grades 7–12 | Wednesdays, 5:30–6:30 pm,
Starting September 16, we will explore our theme, For Such A Time as This. These words from the Book of Esther are words of challenge and an invitation spoken to Queen Esther as a call to make a difference in the unique historical time and place in which she found herself. It is no secret that we too find ourselves in a unique historical time—marked by a global pandemic, racial unrest, and a presidential election (to name but a few markers of this moment!). Through Bible Study, activities, and games, youth will reflect on this moment and ask where they find God and how God is calling them to step forward. Activities and supplies will be dropped off at each youth’s home.
Youth in grades 4–6 will gather once a month on zoom to build community through activities like Miniature Mini Golf on your kitchen table and pumpkin painting. Supplies will be provided to families who register online here.
Youth in grades 6–12 will gather once a month on Zoom to work together on a variety of mission projects including banner making, cookie baking, and online Christmas shopping. Register online here.
Children and Youth of all ages are able to help lead worship from home by lighting candles, reading scripture, and helping with the time for Children. Contact Sara Hackett if your family is willing to help lead worship by recording videos at home or over Zoom.
Rally Day in a New Way
Even in this unprecedented season in our shared life, we will mark together the start of the program and Church School year on Rally Day, Sunday, September 13.
Our Sunday mornings will include Journey worship at 8:45 am; adult Church School classes at 9:45 am, Sanctuary worship at 11 am; and children and youth Church School classes in the afternoons—and we will continue to worship God, learn about Christ, and step forth—by the Spirit’s power—in service.
Familiar programming will resume in new ways, such as Club One Sixteen, Tween Nights, Young Adult Ministry programming, Presbyterian Women’s Bible Study, Centering Prayer, Facing Systemic Racism gatherings, and Mission Opportunities.
Read more about how we will live our faith together throughout the September issue of our Reaching Out newsletter!
Take Part in the Presbyterian Week of Action | August 24–30
The gospel narrative is abundantly clear and the greater witness of the Bible confirms, God has called us, as people of faith, to seek justice for the most marginalized in our world. As a Matthew 25 denomination, it is the vision of our church to eradicate white supremacy and dismantle institutionalized racism. Furthermore, in an effort to do the “hands & feet” work the Lord ordains, we must act and bear witness to the gospel in these crucial times.
As a Matthew 25 Congregation, ELPC members, friends, and community are encouraged to participate in any and all activities of the Presbyterian Week of Action, sponsored by our denomination, August 24–30. Join with our siblings around the country by accessing the events at PCUSA.org/
Hope Academy @ Home | Fall 2020
Hope Academy’s dance, theater, and music classes, as well as private lessons, will be virtual this fall beginning on Saturday, September 19. Read More