You may have noticed that the garden areas around ELPC have been weeded and freshly mulched to prepare for spring. If you have been in The Chapel Market recently, you may have noticed that the area is brighter and more inviting because the walls have been painted. You probably didn’t know that the United Steelworkers Union recently held a week-long convention in Pittsburgh (March 3–8) for their new and younger members who they refer to as “Next-Gen” members. What do these things have in common?
On March 7, these USW convention participants volunteered to donate their time to community service at 18 sites across Pittsburgh, including ELPC! Twelve volunteers, from across the country, came to ELPC to complete these projects for us. The USW supplied the materials and tools needed. We are very appreciative of their generosity and time.
We also are grateful for the 12+ ELPC congregation members and staff who made this USW workday such a success! Much was accomplished in just three hours due to coordination and preplanning efforts. And let’s not forget that The Chapel Market needed to be “put back together” as a shopping area! Special thanks go out to Don Breitbarth for coordinating the garden work; to Emily Rosenthal, Cathleen Malmstrom and Gerald McClendon for coordinating The Chapel Market work; and to Jim Tinnemeyer and the facilities staff for their support and oversight.
This work saved our church an estimated $5,000 in out-of-pocket costs!