As the body of Christ, the Session, members, and staff of East Liberty Presbyterian Church recognize and acknowledge that we are called to be a people of faith and to act faithfully to ensure the care, health, and well-being of all of God’s people including members, staff and our community. While the federal COVID-19 Public Health Emergency and the WHO global health emergency have ended, COVID is still is public health issue that we take seriously. So out of an abundance of caution and in our effort to act faithfully and responsibly, the Session and staff leadership of East Liberty Presbyterian Church will do our utmost to mitigate the spread or transmission of disease as follows:
- As of the release of this document, all ELPC worship services will be held as scheduled. Members and community members who are ill or experiencing sickness of any type are respectfully asked not to attend services, meetings, or any church-related events. We will continue to monitor the situation and may make other provisions if deem appropriate or necessary.
- To provide spiritual care and remain in community with those who are ill, unable to physically attend worship, or have a need to self-isolate for any reason, the 8:45 AM Journey Service is streamed in real-time, utilizing the Zoom link; the 11:00 AM Sunday worship service is live streamed in real-time on Facebook or YouTube utilizing this link:; the Wednesday evening Taizé is available as a live stream on the following link:
- All ELPC Ministry programs will continue as scheduled.
- It may become necessary in the future to cancel any or all ministry programs and meetings as warranted to ensure the health and safety of our members, staff, and community.
- Communal food, including pot-luck meal consumption is reinstated.
- Out of respect for the health and well-being of our staff, all staff persons who are sick or have household members experiencing coughing, sneezing, elevated temperature, chills, etc. are to report their illness to their supervisor as soon as possible and should not report to work if they have a positive COVID test. Tests results shall be submitted to the Director of Administration and Facilities or the Head of Staff.
- In line with the CDC recommendations, staff may return to work after five (5) days of isolation, if they have no symptoms or if symptoms are improving and they are fever free. If symptoms are not improving, staff shall continue to isolate until they are fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever reducing medication) and symptoms are improving.
- Staff with moderate illness (experiencing difficulty breathing or shortness of breath) shall isolate through Day 10. Staff with severe illness (were hospitalized) shall isolate through Day 10 and consult their doctor prior to ending isolation. Staff shall wear a mask in public until they receive a negative COVID test or 10 days after their positive test, whichever comes first.
- Staff who experience negative financial consequences, as a result of being ill with COVID and unable to work, will be compensated and assisted.
- As appropriate and as necessary, staff with access to needed tools will be allowed to work remotely if their health is compromised or they are concerned about infection.
- Everyone entering the building is required to sign in at the hospitality desk.
- Anyone demonstrating physical signs of illness will be asked to leave the building.
- To assure cleanliness as much as possible, hand sanitizer stations are available on every floor of the church and at the sign-in desk, and soap and water are available in every restroom in the building.
- All nursery surfaces and toys will be sanitized after every use.
This protocol is meant to serve as the beginning of our communication and effort to care for and ensure the health and safety of one another. Should COVID conditions worsen, it may be necessary to suspend all church operations, programs, and worship services as guided by local and national experts, authorities, and medical professionals, as well as our local and national ecclesial judicatories.
March 13, 2020
Rev. August 2, 2023
Approved by Session August 15, 2023