March marks the beginning of the Spiritual Life Committee’s new focus on Science, Cosmology, Theology, and Mysticism. Our journey will be based on the work of Teilhard de Chardin—a 20th Century Jesuit and world-renowned paleontologist. Don’t miss any of these exciting opportunities to explore faith, the world, and spirituality. Download our brochure for more information.
Sun., March 5: Interfaith Panel on Our Role in the Universe 12:15 pm
The Spiritual Life Committee invites you to an Interfaith Panel that will discuss the question, “What is our (human) role in the universe?” Pastor Randy will join representatives from Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and more in this intriguing discussion with diverse religious perspectives. A light lunch will be served.
Please RSVP with Kate Carlson by calling 412.441.3800 x16.
Thurs., March 23: Book and Video Study 6:30–8 pm
Continued on Thurs., April 6 & 20, May 4 & 18, and June 1
All are welcome to a study series as we read and discuss Teilhard’s Mysticism: Seeing the Inner Face of Evolution (Orbis Books, 2014), and watch several videos by other scholars on cosmology and theology. Join the conversation!
Fri.–Sun., June 16–18: Teilhard’s Mysticism—Spiraling into the Cosmic Christ
Mark your calendar now for a retreat guided by Teilhard’s Mysticism—Spiraling into the Cosmic Christ. Our retreat will be led by Dr. Kathleen Duffy—a Sister of St. Joseph (S.S.J.) and a professor of Physics at Chestnut Hill College, where she directs the Interdisciplinary Honors Program and the Institute for Religion and Science. Download our brochure for more information and a registration form.