Dear ELPC Members, Friends and Staff,
Greetings and blessings from the Pastoral Nominating Committee (PNC) to all of you. Thank you for your prayers and thoughts as all of us on the PNC continue to work together through the process of discernment and intentionality as we search for our new Senior Pastor.
The PNC has interviewed numerous call seekers and has conducted a number of second interviews. We are beginning to finalize the logistics for bringing candidates here to be interviewed in person and to preach in neutral pulpits in our area.
We thank God for all of ELPC: for you, our congregation, for our pastors and staff, and for all our volunteers. As we continue our process, we know that we are closer than we were when we started! We continue working together for the good of all of us, and we are grateful for your patience. God bless all of you.
—David B. Carl
ELPC Pastor Nominating Committee: Doug Booth, Bill Buchanan, David Carl, Andrea DeVries, Jim Eng, Linda Lane (Chair), Rebecca McGregor (Secretary), Polly McQueen, Antwone Wright