As we move through the Lenten season and prepare for Resurrection Sunday, we are grateful for the transformation made possible through the One Great Hour of Sharing offering. In places like Malawi; Bolivia; Point Pleasant, N.J.; and Iona, Mich., those most in need are finding hope through the work of Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, the Presbyterian Hunger Program, the Self-Development of People program, and their partners in ministry. It is easy to become distracted from the reality faced by our brothers and sisters around the world where poverty, disaster, and war cause displacement and suffering.
This is why we continue to give to One Great Hour of Sharing. Feeding the hungry, helping people build up their livelihoods, responding to disasters—these are all ways that your gifts are changing lives, communities, and the world. On Palm Sunday, March 20, join Christians all across the country as we tangibly witness to the abundant love of God through One Great Hour of Sharing.