Periodically over the past two years, the ELPC pastoral staff has gathered virtually with our colleagues from further down Highland Avenue at Eastminster Presbyterian Church. Although there are many connections between our two churches related to community mission and outreach programs, there has not been much fellowship—and it was decided the time was ripe to remedy this omission.
On Sunday, February 13, the first in a series of annual joint services is being planned. The worship service will combine the music leaders and choirs of our two churches, and utilize liturgists from both congregations. As a “pulpit swap,” the Rev. Aaron Teter, newly installed co-pastor of Eastminster Presbyterian Church, will present the message.
The needs of East Liberty are too great for two significant faith communities, like Eastminster and ELPC, not to work together for the glory of God. This joint service is planned to be a hybrid event with both in-person and livestream options for participation. Through our shared prayers, joyful songs of praise, and time of Christian fellowship, may we offer a common witness of Christian hope for these troubled times. Please plan to join us for this special Sunday service.