Come sing, O church, in joy! Come join O church, in song!
For Christ the Lord has led us through the ages long!
In bold accord, come celebrate the journey and praise the Lord!
The words to this familiar hymn (Come Sing, O Church, in Joy! — #430 in our Blue Hymnal), resonate for me as the cool evenings and dark mornings confirm that it is, indeed, fall.
Fall has always been my favorite season. I have always loved the anticipation of a new year of school, the fall holidays that came along with festive decorations, the color of the autumn leaves…For me, fall is punctuated with celebrations – my wedding anniversary, birthday, and ELPC anniversary to name a few – that cause me to look both forward and backward, while savoring, with gratitude, the present moment. These landmarks allow me to pause and realize that there is so much along my life’s journey for which I can rejoice – people, places, opportunities that have shaped and added meaning to my life.
We all can point to seasons of our lives that hold great meaning for us. Perhaps you note a season of the calendar year (winter, spring, summer, fall) which seems to carry within it cherished memories triggered by smells and sights and tastes that flood your heart with a rush of nostalgia. Perhaps the season you call to mind is one of study at an educational institution, or one of parenting small children who were still young enough to climb on your lap at the end of a long day. Perhaps the season you call to mind is a season of creativity or travel, of years lived with your Grandparents were nearby, of prosperity – materially or relationally. Perhaps the season you recall is one of loss or fear, of struggle overcome. Such a reflection can often spark a spiritual insight, where, with the gift of hindsight, we can see clearly that in good times and in difficult times, God was with us: comforting us, challenging us, inspiring us, caring for us – along each stretch of our journey.
Within the life of our faith, we have cause to celebrate together – giving thanks for the assurance that in each and every season of our lives, God is with us still. We celebrate the rich promise of our faith – that “in life and in death we belong to God” (A Brief Statement of Faith) and that Jesus meant it when he said, “And remember I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20b).
Throughout the month of October we have an opportunity to celebrate the journey together. From World Communion Sunday (October 7) to Reformation Sunday (October 28th) we celebrate the rich, millennia’s-long season of being the church together – filled with the Spirit, reformed and always being reformed. We celebrate the community that God has called here to worship – in four different worship services, in 12 different Sunday School classes, in music and dance and mission opportunities and witness.
Mid-October, we also mark the end of a Sabbatical season in the life of Pastor Randy and his family, as Randy, Beth, Ian and Charlotte return from their three-month stay in New Zealand. On October 15th, Pastor Randy formally returns to the office, and he will preach at Journey and our Sanctuary service on October 21. Following worship on October 21, Personnel is hosting a Welcome Back reception to honor Pastor Randy, Beth, Ian and Charlotte and so that we can hear about this Sabbath season in their lives – please join us for this celebration! As we prepare for Pastor Randy’s return, I would like to offer a word of deep gratitude – to the Staff of this church, to the Session and Board of Deacons, and to each member of ELPC – for everyone’s hard work, wise insights, and joyful care of one another during Randy’s absence. It continues to be a privilege to serve among such gifted colleagues and such dedicated members and leaders of ELPC. This sense of gratitude for each of you has been magnified during Pastor Randy’s Sabbatical – I praise God for you!
As we settle into the fall, and welcome all that this season in our life brings, may we find moments to truly celebrate the journey – the journey of our own lives, and the journey which we share with others. Let us try, this month: to pause in prayer at the end of the day and give thanks that which has held special meaning; to cherish time with loved ones, noting the gifts tucked within the unique relationship you share together; to maintain a Sabbath-keeping practice of rest and restoration to sustain you through dark, chilly winter days; to try something new, remembering that there are – no matter what stage of our life’s journey we are on – opportunities for new beginnings and fresh starts.
And then let us bring our stories and questions, our hopes and our inspiration to this diverse and dynamic community of faith – so that we can bear witness to the good news all around us in the life of faith that we share together. In bold accord, come celebrate the journey and praise the Lord!