Here’s what’s happening in worship September 1-7, 2014.
Please note: we are back to our traditional worship schedule with our 8:00 a.m. Journey worship service, Christian Education classes for all ages at 9:45 a.m., and Sanctuary worship at 11:00 a.m.
Worship Services
Taizé – Wednesday 7:00 p.m.
An hour-long service including sung prayers; simple, beautiful music; a time of silence; spoken and silent prayers; and an opportunity for individual prayer and anointing. There will be no after-Taizé class this week.
Journey Worship – Sunday 8:00 a.m.
An interactive, energetic service for those seeking a fresh encounter with the gospel of Jesus Christ. This week we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper and the Rev. Heather Schoenewolf will preach.
Sanctuary Worship – Sunday 11:00 a.m.
Our largest service, with music from the Chancel Choir and an organ prelude prior to the service. We will celebrate the Lord’s Supper and the Rev. Dr. Randy Bush will preach.
Christian Education Classes
ELPC offers Christian Education classes for persons of all ages, from infancy through adulthood, on Sundays from 9;45-10:45 a.m. Go here for a list of our children and youth classes.
Contemporaries (Second Floor Parlor)
Welcome Back and an Introduction to Our Series
This year’s theme, Discipleship: The Way of Jesus, will inform our learning and relationships as we seek to grow in faith. The study, written by Dr. John P. Burgess, helps us understand the comfort and the challenge of being Christian believers who follow the way of Jesus in the world.
Journey With Scripture (Second Floor Library)
“Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:5). Such an audacious statement by the apostle Paul! How could the community in Philippi – or any community – have the same mind as Christ? Here’s one good answer: “Begin with the book of Exodus, for through it God is revealed as a restless agent of social newness with the capacity to redefine the wilderness as a place of care” (Walter Brueggeman, Theology of the Old Testament).
Seek a mindshare of Christ with us as we reflect on Exodus, Philippians, and other formative scripture together: Exodus 12:1-14; Psalms 149; Romands 13:8-14; Matthew 18:15-20.
Parenting Circle (Harambe Room)
We utilize passages from the week’s Lectionary readings to discern and explore God’s plan for our families, and share our joys and struggles through a facilitated discussion.
Seekers (Room 234)
Soweto Gospel Choir
Born from the Soweto slums in South Africa, the Soweto Gospel Choir’s colorful outfits, high energy, and beautiful songs are indeed uplifting. They won a Gramy Award in 2007, and performed last year at the Byham Theater in downtown Pittsburgh. We will watch their performance from the Nelson Mandela Theater. Come see and hear their joy in sharing their love of God.
Soul Food (Pastor’s Conference Room)
September: A Collection of Writings on Discernment
We will continue our discussion of Discernment by Henri Nouwen, beginning with chapter six. New participants are always welcome.