Help Shape ELPC’s Future
As part of our ongoing transition and discernment process at ELPC, we are engaging with and utilizing the Congregational Assessment Tool (CAT), an online survey, to help the Pastor Nominating …
As part of our ongoing transition and discernment process at ELPC, we are engaging with and utilizing the Congregational Assessment Tool (CAT), an online survey, to help the Pastor Nominating …
The Chapel Market is in need of spring and summer clothing donations for children, women, and men. Men’s clothing—pants, underwear, undershirts, and athletic socks—are especially NEEDED! Donations can be left …
Open Hand Ministries (OHM), one of ELPC’s mission organizations, reports that 49 runners are registered to RUN for a REASON and support OHM during the Pittsburgh Marathon, May 6–7. Eleven …
People of faith are inspired to act on climate issues for a multitude of reasons. If your religious experience is strongly connected to the sanctity of God’s creation, you will …
After a hiatus necessitated by Covid, a delegation of the Pittsburgh Presbytery International Partnership will travel to Malawi, March 8–23, to worship, serve, and pray with our beloved partner churches …
Dear Members, Friends, and Staff of ELPC: This past Monday, February 27, we held a hybrid meeting for our Pastoral Nominating Committee (PNC) orientation from the Presbytery. The Rev. Brian …
At a Congregational Meeting on January 29, the ELPC congregation elected the following persons to serve on the Pastoral Nominating Committee (PNC): (top row, left to right) Douglas Booth, William …
As you may know, Earth’s population has just crossed the 8 billion mark. What do we make of this very large number of people? Do we succumb to worry about …
This Lent, ELPC’s Faith Formation Board is excited to offer Salt Project’s Bless the Mess devotional. Each week leading up to Easter has its own set of illustrated cards: each …
As a Matthew 25 congregation, we embrace and care for those in need—including the final phrase of the verse, noting, “…I was in prison and you came to me…” We …