Fill in the blank: When I think of my body right now, I’m not very fond of my (blank). The answer to this question should not be influenced by America’s flawed obsession with perfect physiques. This shouldn’t be about your measurements, weight or six-pack abs. Rather it should identify one part of your physical body. For example, at this moment I’m not very fond of my hamstrings. While being relatively tall, I seem to have short hamstrings, which cause my lower-back muscles to work too hard and thus provoke periodic back spasms. When that happens, I think very unkind thoughts about my hamstrings.
A Statement from Pastor Randy
It has been a troubling week in America. To remain silent on current events is to be unfaithful to the gospel of Christ.
As you likely all know, in the past few days, several executive orders were signed by President Trump. Some of them are political grandstanding. Some are more threatening, running contrary to how scripture calls us to live. Tuesday’s order to streamline and expedite pipeline projects like the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipeline undermine our commitment to protect God’s creation and to honor the places our Native American brethren deem sacred. Wednesday’s order to punish any Sanctuary cities as well as the President’s statement that he believes torture works violate our Judeo-Christian duty to welcome the stranger and to treat others as we would have them treat us. And Friday’s executive order to suspend all US refugee programs for several months and to reduce the number of refugees allowed into America in 2017 causes malicious harm to the most vulnerable of all God’s children.
God is never to be confined to one nation’s borders; hence the concept of “America First” runs contrary to the heart of the gospel. That is why these recent actions and the policies surrounding them are more heretical than historical. If you support President Trump or oppose President Trump, your responsibility is the same: to remain vigilant and hold this nation’s elected leaders to Christian values of compassion, justice and peace. Let us pray, and act, and speak out until they do. For as it says in Hebrews 12: Let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. To God alone be the glory. Amen.
—Rev. Dr. Randy Bush
This Week in Worship: February 3–9, 2017
Here’s what’s happening in worship this week. Click the “more” link for our Church School programming.
Worship Services
Journey Worship | Sunday, at 8:45 am
An interactive, energetic service for those seeking a fresh encounter with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our theme this month is Back on Track. Pastor Patrice will preach from Isaiah 58:1–12.
Sanctuary Worship | Sunday, at 11 am
Our largest service, with music from the Chancel Choir and an organ prelude prior to the service. Pastor Randy will preach from Matthew 5:21–26 and his sermon will be titled “Words from the Mount: Ripples of Anger.”
Taizé Prayer Service | Wednesday, at 7 pm
Our hour-long service includes sung prayers; simple, beautiful music; a time of silence; spoken and silent prayers; and an opportunity for individual prayer and anointing. The Rev. Mary Lynn Callahan will lead this service of sung Taizé prayer. Stay afterward for Contemplative Prayer. If you’re unable to participate in person, join our live stream on your computer or mobile device.
This Week in Worship: January 27–February 2, 2017
Here’s what’s happening in worship this week. Click the “more” link for our Church School programming.
Worship Services
Journey Worship | Sunday, at 8:45 am
An interactive, energetic service for those seeking a fresh encounter with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our theme this month is Starting Over. Pastor Heather will preach from Matthew 14:22–33.
Sanctuary Worship | Sunday, at 11 am
Our largest service, with music from the Chancel Choir and an organ prelude prior to the service. Pastor Randy will preach from Matthew 28:9–17 and his sermon will be titled “Admitting Doubt.”
Taizé Prayer Service | Wednesday, at 7 pm
Our hour-long service includes sung prayers; simple, beautiful music; a time of silence; spoken and silent prayers; and an opportunity for individual prayer and anointing. The Rev. Mary Lynn Callahan will lead this service of sung Taizé prayer. Stay afterward for Contemplative Prayer. If you’re unable to participate in person, join our live stream on your computer or mobile device.
This Week in Worship: January 20–26, 2017
Here’s what’s happening in worship this week. Click the “more” link for our Church School programming.
Worship Services
Journey Worship | Sunday, at 8:45 am
An interactive, energetic service for those seeking a fresh encounter with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our theme this month is Starting Over. Pastor Randy will preach and his sermon will be based on Matthew 4:18–23.
Sanctuary Worship | Sunday, at 11 am
Our largest service, with music from the Chancel Choir and an organ prelude prior to the service. Pastor Heather will preach from 1 Corinthians 1:10–18, and her sermon will be titled “When the Answers are Tough.”
Taizé Prayer Service | Wednesday, at 7 pm
Our hour-long service includes sung prayers; simple, beautiful music; a time of silence; spoken and silent prayers; and an opportunity for individual prayer and anointing. The Rev. Mary Lynn Callahan will lead this service of sung Taizé prayer. Stay afterward for Contemplative Prayer. If you’re unable to participate in person, join our live stream on your computer or mobile device.
This Week in Worship: January 13–19, 2017
Here’s what’s happening in worship this week. Click the “more” link for our Church School programming.
Worship Services
Journey Worship | Sunday, at 8:45 am
An interactive, energetic service for those seeking a fresh encounter with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our theme this month is Emerging. Pastor Patrice will preach from John 1:29–42.
Sanctuary Worship | Sunday, at 11 am
Our largest service, with music from the Chancel Choir and an organ prelude prior to the service. Pastor Randy will preach from Isaiah 49:1–6 and his sermon will be titled “Potentials & Possibilities.”
Taizé Prayer Service | Wednesday, at 7 pm
Our hour-long service includes sung prayers; simple, beautiful music; a time of silence; spoken and silent prayers; and an opportunity for individual prayer and anointing. The Rev. Mary Lynn Callahan will lead this service of sung Taizé prayer. Stay afterward for Contemplative Prayer. If you’re unable to participate in person, join our live stream on your computer or mobile device.
This Week in Worship: January 6–12, 2017
Here’s what’s happening in worship this week. Click the “more” link for our Church School programming.
Worship Services
Journey Worship | Sunday, at 8:45 am
An interactive, energetic service for those seeking a fresh encounter with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our theme this month is Starting Over. Pastor Heather will preach. Communion will be celebrated.
Sanctuary Worship | Sunday, at 11 am
Our largest service, with music from the Chancel Choir and an organ prelude prior to the service. Pastor Randy will preach from Matthew 3:13–17 and his sermon will be titled “Testify!” Communion will be celebrated.
Taizé Prayer Service | Wednesday, at 7 pm
Our hour-long service includes sung prayers; simple, beautiful music; a time of silence; spoken and silent prayers; and an opportunity for individual prayer and anointing. The Rev. Mary Lynn Callahan will lead this service of sung Taizé prayer. Stay afterward for Contemplative Prayer. If you’re unable to participate in person, join our live stream on your computer or mobile device.
Pastoral Message, January 2017
The noted African American theologian and pastor Howard Thurman published a short devotional book called Meditations of the Heart. In it he shared this brief anecdote:
Years ago, walking along a road outside Rangoon, I noted at intervals along the way a roadside stone with a crock of water and, occasionally, some fruit. Water and fruit were put there by Buddhist priests to comfort and bless any passerby—one’s spiritual salutation to another. The fact that I was a traveler from another part of the world, speaking a strange language and practicing a different faith, made no difference. What mattered was the fact that I was walking along the road—what my mission was, who I was—all irrelevant.
There are serendipitous moments in our life that bring us joy—finding a quarter on the sidewalk or money in a jacket pocket; having the sun break through the Pittsburgh clouds and shine all around us; seeing children playing outside or watch a dog chase a tennis ball. Lifting our eyes off the ground (and off our electronic devices!) allows us to catch glimpses of beauty and God’s grace around us. But our faith calls us to trust in something more than serendipity. We are also called to be intentional in our acts of comfort, grace and blessing.
The past year is now history. Year-end contribution appeals will likely stop appearing in your mailbox. A new year is dawning with both challenges and opportunities for all of us. It is a perfect time to practice “intentional serendipity.” Even though that phrase is an oxymoron, it is still an idea worth considering. How about sending a handwritten note telling one person you value in your life how special they are? Or what about if you notice someone behind you in the grocery store checkout line who has only a couple items and you offer to add it to your total—or if you see someone eating alone at a table beside you in a restaurant and you pick up their tab? First pray that you might be a blessing this month to someone—and then keep your eyes and heart open, trusting that God will provide the opportunity for your “intentional serendipity.”2
Thurman ended his meditation by asking: In your own way, do you keep a lantern burning by the roadside with a note saying where you may be found just in case? Do you place a jar of cool water and a bit of fruit under a tree to help the needy traveler? God knows the answer and so do you! May we each be a blessing this month.
—Randy Bush
This Week in Worship: December 30, 2016–January 5, 2017
Here’s what’s happening in worship this week. Click the “more” link for our Church School programming.
Worship Services
Journey Worship | Sunday, at 8:45 am
There will be no Journey worship service this week.
Sanctuary Worship | Sunday, at 11 am
Our largest service, with music from the Chancel Choir and an organ prelude prior to the service. The Rev. Mary Lynn Callahan will preach.
Taizé Prayer Service | Wednesday, at 7 pm
Our hour-long service includes sung prayers; simple, beautiful music; a time of silence; spoken and silent prayers; and an opportunity for individual prayer and anointing. The Rev. Mary Lynn Callahan will lead this service of sung Taizé prayer. Stay afterward for Contemplative Prayer. If you’re unable to participate in person, join our live stream on your computer or mobile device.
This Week in Worship: December 23–29, 2016
Here’s what’s happening in worship this week. Click the “more” link for our Church School programming.
Worship Services
Friends & Family Service | Saturday, at 5 pm
Pastor Heather will lead a special Christmas Eve Friends & Family worship service, featuring the celebration of the Lord’s Supper and candle lighting.
Candlelight Service | Saturday, at 11 pm (music begins at 10:30 pm)
Pastor Randy will lead a special Christmas Eve Candlelight worship service. The Gospel reading will be Luke 2:1–14, and Pastor Randy’s sermon will be titled “Starshades and God’s Light.” The service will feature the celebration of the Lord’s Supper and candle lighting.
Journey Worship | Sunday, at 8:45 am
There will be no Journey worship service this week.
Sanctuary Worship | Sunday, at 11 am
Our largest service, with music from the Chancel Choir and an organ prelude prior to the service. Pastor Patrice will preach.
Taizé Prayer Service | Wednesday, at 7 pm
Our hour-long service includes sung prayers; simple, beautiful music; a time of silence; spoken and silent prayers; and an opportunity for individual prayer and anointing. The Rev. Mary Lynn Callahan will lead this service of sung Taizé prayer. Stay afterward for Contemplative Prayer. If you’re unable to participate in person, join our live stream on your computer or mobile device.