Welcome to East Liberty Presbyterian Church
We invite you to come visit us at one of our many worship services or special events.
There is a lot of information about our church available here on this website. But the best way to learn about who we are and what we value is to come see us in person.
East Liberty Presbyterian Church (ELPC) is a progressive, multicultural, inclusive church family. We seek to transcend all boundaries of race, class, ability, age, gender, and sexual identity to become one in Christ. We are a Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) congregation, strongly committed to worship, mission, education, and spiritual growth for all ages. We offer something for everyone—from a gospel-contemporary service on Sundays at 8:45 am, to a traditional Sanctuary service on Sundays at 11 am , and a Taizé sung prayer service on Wednesdays at 7 pm. There are classes for all ages, strong young adult and youth programs, spiritual retreats, centering prayer sessions, Yoga and Tai Chi offerings, mission trips, Vacation Church School, architectural tours, service projects, and much more. Sign up to receive our monthly Reaching Out newsletter or weekly news flashes for more details.
We offer Inquirers’ Classes several times a year—usually on two consecutive Sundays after our Sanctuary worship service at 11 am—in which people can learn more about our church, Presbyterian history, and what it means to be a member of our church. These classes always include lunch and are informal times of questioning, sharing, and connecting. Complete the form below to register.