Health Ministries
The Health Ministry Committee is a group of health professionals and lay people within the church who promote whole-person health.
Our goals, as people of faith, are to provide health education and health screenings as well as referrals and resources for the congregation and friends of the East Liberty Presbyterian Church and the community. The Health Ministry Committee reaches out to the congregation and the community at large with programs aimed at improving health. These programs have included the following: Blood pressure screenings, walking paths through the church, and year-round exercise programs.
Blood pressure screenings the third Sunday of the month, after the 11 am service (or, in the summer after the 10 am worship service). Located in the First Floor Library, just down the hall from the main entrance on Highland Ave.
Walking Paths Through the Church: Quarter- and Half-Mile Paths, Year-Round
Here’s a great opportunity to stay fit, even when the weather is cold and rainy outside! Enjoy the comforts of walking indoors and see ELPC’s beautiful and historic architecture up-close. ELPC’s Health Ministry has created two walking loop maps: The quarter-mile loop (click to view the PDF) has no stairs and walkers stay on the first (main) floor. This walk proceeds through the sanctuary and chapel spaces. For the half-mile loop (click to view the PDF), walkers proceed through the main and ground floor levels, through the gym and social hall spaces. Please check in at the main desk when you arrive to make sure the pathways aren’t closed for special events. View the church calendar for holiday closure information.
Year-Round Exercise Classes
Join us for one or more of these fun fitness classes. No membership or previous experience required. For questions, contact Gloria Knopp at 412.441.3800 x222. (View the church calendar for holiday closure information.)
JourneyDance with Yamuna
Use movement to celebrate your inner strengths! JourneyDance meets on the second Friday of every month, year-round, from 7–8 pm. JourneyDance is a playful and intuitive method of using movement to discover and celebrate our inner strengths. JourneyDance guides you to become fully present in your body, to release trapped emotions and self-judgment, to access your inner power, to celebrate your spirit, and to manifest your dreams. A donation from the heart is appreciated. Wear comfortable clothing that allows for a full range of movement. Bring a water bottle if you have one. Open to everyone! All ages and bodies welcome. Meets in the McKelvy Room, first floor. Led by Yamuna.
Tai Chi
Experience flowing movements and treat your body to a relaxing workout! Tai Chi classes are offered as a 10-week series several times during the year, on Tuesday mornings and evenings. The morning class runs from 10–11 am; the evening class runs from 6–7 pm. You are welcome to take the whole series or take individual classes on a drop-in basis. Each class is only $3, an outstanding exercise deal! Or purchase ten classes for $25 in advance. Regular attendance is not required!
Cathedral Yoga
Experience yoga in our beautiful, gothic Sanctuary from 6–7 pm. All are welcome! The class is free, but donations are appreciated. Bring your own mat.
Tips and Thoughts on Wellness
Wellness is a state of optimal well-being that is oriented toward maximizing an individual’s potential. In addition to being an active part of a church community, overall wellness looks at a life-long process of moving toward enhancing your physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual well-being. The following dimensions highlight some important components of wellness. Take time to explore your own level of wellness and see if you have gotten your “dose of wellness” today!
What are some of the ways we can improve our spiritual wellness?
- Nourish yourself through personal beliefs, morals and religion.
- Find purpose in life and meaning in the little things you do.
- Feel connected with ones self and others.
- Develop a philosophy of life that you want to live by.
What are some of the ways we can improve our physical wellness?
- Get a physical exam.
- For women: gynecological exam.
- Exercise regularly and eat balanced meals.
- Limit or avoid alcohol and tobacco.
- Be consistent with self-exams like BSE/TSE.
- Keep your and your children’s immunizations current.
- Keep up with regular dental and eye exams.
- Get a massage to ease tired and worked muscles.
What are some of the ways we can improve our social wellness?
- Develop relationships where both parties feel good.
- Find ways to interact with people in both public and private situations.
- Read the newspaper! You’ll be amazed with all of the events going on.
- Join clubs to expand your (in-person) social contacts.
- Stick to values and beliefs without being persuaded by peer pressure.
More about the Health Ministry Committee
ELPC’s Health Ministry also offers seminars on various health issues and maintains a volunteer resource list of congregants who are willing to assist with health needs of congregants when needed. The committee has acquired two defibrillators for the church, one on the lower level and one in the main office.
We hold classes and programs for staff as well as other health professionals in the congregation, offer First Aid classes for young families and have compiled a Senior Resource Guide, related health pamphlets, and disease specific books which are available in the library for the congregation’s use. We also assist and facilitate Blood Drives here at the church.
Through the ages, the church has been a place of healing and many places of worship are reclaiming this ministry. Health professionals and lay people are needed to serve in numerous ways. Are you interested in joining us? Please call Pat Krimmel at 412.441.2909.